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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell XPS 9100, Radeon HD 6770, and three monitors
Glenn Borgens   2012-11-06 10:20
Wow, it looks like this forum is definitely for the more experienced, and definitely smarter people.
Please, is there anyone that can give me a step by step on how to hook up two MORE Dell monitors to my computer. I did the tech thing with Dell, and ended up with several "techs" that were literally reading out of the manual. I also did the 'remote help' thing, and I am sure the fellow had no clue as to what he was doing. I watched him intently do absolutely nothing except open and close screens.
The photos on the Ultramon sight are what I am trying to accomplish. Three monitors, all separately controllable. I am into Flight Simulator so need the screens independent of one another.
Thanks in advance for your help all.

Flight Sim Fan

Christian Studer   2012-11-07 08:33
Your video card should already support 3 monitors, once you have all 3 monitors connected you should only have to enable them via Display Properties. Also see the multi-monitor guide for more on this.

Christian Studer -
Glenn Borgens   2012-11-07 14:34

Many thanks for the reply. Part of this problem is contained in your statement "once you have the three monitors connected...".
That is what I need help with. I have tried all of the ways I can think of to connect them to the computer.
The main monitor is connected through a VGA cable (the blue ended cable connected into a white DVI adapter, one of the smaller monitors connects through a second DVI port, the third monitor I have connected through the HDMI on the card. I simply have no idea how or where to connect what.
Why cant Bill G just make things easy to do.
If you have more information, I would really appreciate it,
Again, thanks for the help thus far.

Flight Sim Fan

Christian Studer   2012-11-08 08:27
Which monitors are working fine at the moment?

Christian Studer -
Glenn Borgens   2012-11-08 13:17
I have one of the 19 inch monitors working, its plugged into the DVI slots. the main 23 inch is plugged into the other DVI slot.
Is this really that difficult or am I just an idiot that cant figure stuff out. Just so you know, McGuyver is my hero, so not sure why I cant fix this.
Again, thanks for the replies.


Flight Sim Fan

Christian Studer   2012-11-09 08:22
If you go to Display Properties, do you see the 23" monitor there, or is just the 19" monitor listed?

Christian Studer -
Glenn Borgens   2012-11-10 14:09
Hi again,

I read another website posting, and found out I needed a 'Display port Cable. I found one at a local electronics store, came home, plugged it in, purchased that Ultramon" program and there it was.
All seems to be working just the way I had hoped.
Thanks for your help.
Take care.

Flight Sim Fan

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dell XPS 9100, Radeon HD 6770, and three monitors

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