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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Orientation property of monitor needs to be all caps
Eric   2012-12-25 07:08
I have only found the string ORIENTATION to work to get/set the current value, not the string "Orientation" as documented. I found this all caps version by searching the dll.

Will this change in the future, or can I continue to use this spelling? Or did I get something wrong here?
Christian Studer   2012-12-25 07:44
Make sure to use the interop assembly from the SDK, if you let Visual Studio generate it you'll get issues like this.

Christian Studer -
Eric   2012-12-26 15:14
Actually, I use the scripting language TCL/TK which uses a com interface to ultra-mon. That probably explains the issue there.
Christian Studer   2012-12-27 02:51
I guess TCL reads the type library from UltraMon.dll? In that case it probably has the same issue as TlbImp used by Visual Studio, the problem is that the UltraMon type library has an enumeration named ORIENTATION and a property named Orientation, due to a bug in TlbImp only a single spelling gets used for both the enumeration and property, either ORIENTATION or Orientation for both.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Orientation property of monitor needs to be all caps

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