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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon crashes explorer on startup
Alex   2012-12-27 23:54

I've been using Ultramon for a long time now without any problems.

Recently, I cloned my hard drive onto an SSD, which caused a couple applications to prompt me to re-register them (I assume because hardware ID changed).

Ultramon, however, started crashing Windows Explorer on startup. Every time I run UltraMon.exe, Windows Explorer crashes. UltraMon does eventually start and explorer restarts and everything works afterwards, but explorer always crashes first.

Some info:
- This only happens with Ultramon and no other applications have any problems.
- This is on Windows 7 x64.
- Problem occurred for Ultramon 3.0.*, but still exists for 3.2.2.

I have tried the following:
- Uninstalled Ultramon 3.0.*, installed Ultramon 3.2.2.
- Uninstalled Ultramon 3.2.2, removed [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Realtime Soft] from registry, installed Ultramon 3.2.2 again.
- Set Ultramon to run as Administrator in Windows compatibility options.
- Tried to start Ultramon with smart taskbar and buttons disabled in Ultramon options.

None of the above fixed the issue.

Did ultramon cache something some way (other than the above mentioned registry path) that does not get removed during uninstall that might cause Ultramon to crash explorer?

Thank you in advance,
Christian Studer   2012-12-28 01:55
Please try if also disabling menu commands and moving of maximized windows fixes the issue, this will help determine if the problem is caused by the hook installed by UltraMon.

You can disable the menu commands via UltraMon Options > Buttons and Menu Commands, the other option is on the General tab, 'enable moving of maximized windows using the mouse'.

Christian Studer -
Alex   2012-12-28 17:03
Unfortunately, that did not help either :(

I want to correct myself a bit though. What I noticed is that explorer does not actually crash - what happens is it does not respond to commands for some time (up to a minute) after Ultramon is started.

If you were to click on the desktop while this is happening, Windows would give you the "not responding" window with an option to restart explorer. If you were to select the option to continue waiting, eventually, explorer starts working again.

I'm confused as to why this would be happening since it was working fine before I cloned my hard drive onto an SSD and no other applications seem to be having any difficulties (and why should they?). The only idea that I have is that Ultramon installed something previously that was specific to that hardware id and now, since that changed, something is causing this behavior.

When uninstalling Ultramon, I can see that the main registry entry does not get removed (the one I mentioned above), is there anything else that could potentially be causing this issue? I sort of want to try a 100% fresh install of it to see if that fixes the issue.

If I look in the event viewer, I can see that there is also the following event logged, which probably just means that I was shown that "not responding" window:

Log Name: Application
Source: Windows Error Reporting
Date: 29/12/2012 1:32:18 AM
Event ID: 1001
Task Category: None
Level: Information
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Sanek-PC
Fault bucket , type 0
Event Name: AppHangTransient
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: explorer.exe
P2: 6.1.7601.17567
P3: 4d672ee4
P4: unknown
P5: unknown
P6: unknown
P7: unknown

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report Id: 6e43e06a-5181-11e2-a33e-e0cb4e0ffe5a
Report Status: 1

Thanks again,
Alex   2012-12-28 18:14
The problem just disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared.

What I did was (with ultramon running), I changed the screen resolution from 1920x1200 to 1280x720, so I could record what was happening in case you needed to see it.

I then reproduced the problem, however explorer would not resume like it usually did. I waited for 5 minutes and then told Windows to restart explorer. As soon as explorer restarted, the Windows taskbar went on the second monitor (Ultramon was running at the time, but Smart Taskbar was off).

I manually dragged the Windows taskbar from the secondary monitor to the primary one, changed the resolution back and restarted the PC. Once the PC restarted, the problem disappeared.

I tried this a couple of times now and it seems the issue is gone for now. I still have the video in case you would like to see how it happened, but it won't tell you anything I didn't already mention.

I will report back if the error reoccurs again keep my eye on this thread in case you like me to do something, but for now everything seems to be back to normal.

Thanks again,
Christian Studer   2012-12-29 04:27
Glad to hear that, don't know what might have caused this though. With the Smart Taskbar and window buttons etc disabled UltraMon shouldn't be able to interfere with explorer.exe, as no hooks get installed in the process.

Changing the OS harddrive doesn't matter as far as UltraMon is concerned, licenses aren't tied to specific hardware. You can safely delete any UltraMon registry keys after uninstalling it, but I doubt that the issue was related to corrupted UltraMon settings.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Ultramon crashes explorer on startup

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