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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Odd Smart Taskbar Behavior When Running Ultramon as Administrator
Dan   2013-01-02 02:57
I run Ultramon as admin because several programs I run from my normal user account require elevated permissions to run. I think it is sloppy programming in software left over from the XP era that has not been rewritten to properly use the user AppData directory to store application data.

Anyway, when I run Ultramon as administrator, another program I use, Networx, appears in the smart taskbar on two of my four monitors. I have monitor 2 as my primary, and it appears there. It also appears on monitor 3's taskbar. This does not happen when I run Ultramon under my regular user account. Also, I am running 4 monitors off of 2 PNY nVidia Quadro NVS 290 cards. Monitor 3 just happens to be the first monitor on the second NVS card.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

P.S. How come my hot key customizations do not carry over to an updated install of UltraMon? I always have to copy them over to the new version's directory whenever an update comes out.
Christian Studer   2013-01-02 08:40
I'm not sure what might cause this, also haven't been able to reproduce the issue so far.

Here's how I tested: NetWorx 5.2.7 on 64-bit Windows 7 with UltraMon 3.2.2. Logged in as a limited user, then opened a command prompt as administrator (different user account) and launched UltraMon from there. The system had 3 monitors, but no task buttons got added for NetWorx.

Regarding the hotkeys: do you install UltraMon from your limited user account?

Christian Studer -
Dan   2013-01-03 01:17
Hmmm. I tried the same sequence. Stopped UltraMon and then opened an elevated command prompt from within my limited account and ran UltraMon from the command prompt. I still get the Networx task tray icon on both monitors 2 and 3. I know Ultramon is running as an elevated task since the window buttons show up on a program I have to run as Administrator. I do also run nView on my system alongside UltraMon, to get window snapping behavior. Could nView be causing the conflict?

Regarding the loss of hotkeys, I am not sure which account I am using when I install/upgrade Ultramon, but when I run other elevated programs from within my limited account, any application specific data gets loaded into the Administrator's appdata directories. I did verify that the "move active window" vbs code was loaded into the 3.2.2 subdirectory in the appdata/roaming directory for the Administrator user.
Christian Studer   2013-01-03 09:18
When you get this the next time, please run EnumTasks.exe and send me the generated log file to, this might show why UltraMon adds taskbar buttons for the application.

Regarding the upgrade: the script got copied to the 3.2.2 folder fine, but the hotkey you had created to run the script isn't listed under UltraMon Options > Hotkeys?

Christian Studer -
Dan   2013-01-05 12:00
What happens on an upgrade is that the hot key combinations show up, but when I go to execute them, the underlying script is not there because the "move active window" vbs script only gets put in the AppData directory of the Administrator account, since UltraMon install requires elevated privileges.

The next time I start UltraMon from an elevated command prompt, I will run the EnumTasks program and forward the log.

Thanks for your assistance.
Christian Studer   2013-01-06 06:58
I would expect this to work fine if you're running UltraMon as administrator. When you get this the next time, please check the file paths for the hotkey and the location of the script after the upgrade, that should show what's going on.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Odd Smart Taskbar Behavior When Running Ultramon as Administrator

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