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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV Out Problems with Rage LT Pro AGP 2X on Laptop
Mark S.   2002-02-25 02:35
I have a Micron Transport ZX Laptop with an ATI Rage LT Pro AGP 2X card. We are trying to connect it to a TV with S-video but have not had any luck yet. When we switch the display over to TV in the display properties, the system freezes. We can however see the laptop on the TV when the system boots up, but when windows starts (after the loading screen) it blanks out and loses signal on the TV. We have tried other laptops (different models) to the TV and they work, so it's not a TV issue (hopefully. VGA out on this laptop works fine, but no TV. We installed the latest video drivers and still no luck. We believe there is a conflict within Windows98se. Any suggestions?
Ben   2002-04-18 04:26

And download ATI's alternative display driver. Then run the install program, once it is downloaded. It should automatically change your adapter settings and solve your TV display problem.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> TV Out Problems with Rage LT Pro AGP 2X on Laptop

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