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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VIA chipset vs. Nvidia...can they live in harmony?
akalai   2002-02-27 14:07
Hey I've been having a really crap time trying to get my second monitor going, I have a Powercolor Geforce 2GTS 64mb (AGP)and an AOPEN Geforce 2MX400 64mb (PCI).

I also have an AMD 1.3 chip plus an ASUS A7v133 with the VIA chipset. I have just read this following text off:

VIA chipset based boards and NVIDIA chip based video cards

In combinations of some motherboards on the VIA Apollo Pro133/133A and video cards on the NVidia of TNT2 and GeForce series the incompatibility is on the hardware level when the programs use API Direct3D. It becomes difficult to define what sort of hardware is guilty (motherboard, chipset, video card, video chip). That's why there is only one thing I can recommend you - you should either avoid the specified combination or test properly the machine on some Direct3D-application when assembling the computer.

*********Come on there has to be a way around this, ISNT THERE????*************************

Has any one else had these same problems of AMD/VIA/NVIDIA conflict and if so what was the solution can you please post what you did to fix this.......Also if you have a chance check out my plea for help here its;
Doug   2002-03-01 06:35
Been there. Bought a Radeon 8500...
y-dawg   2002-03-05 10:31
what kind of problems have you been experiencing exaclty?

i have almost the exact same set up. a gf2 ti as primary, a tnt2 as 2ndary, with an athlon 1500+ using the kt133a chipset in win2k. ive also used a ati mach 64 as the 2ndary. both have been pretty smooth. ive encountered my share of smaller problems, but after tinkering with settings and such, ive gottan most things under control, including tv and dvd playback.

so if you post more info about what problems you're experiencing, i or someone else will do our best to help. good luck mate.

btw, theres a simple registry patch desinged to address the amd/nvidia/via/2k issues. plus i assume you have the latest via drivers. also do you have an sblive in your system, cuz i believe these REALLY dont play nice with the above mentioned combo.
akalai   2002-03-06 22:11
Hi there Y-DAWG.....

Hey if you come back and check this go and have a look at my other post which describes what happens it's;

Ok but basiclly when I install the second video card(PCI), and even if I just leave the generic Microsoft driver for Nvidia as is, as soon as the computer reboots the SYSTEMS32 directory in WINDOWS is corrupted and then requires a complete reinstallation.

If I try to install say a recent version of the Nvidia Detonator drivers...and I have tried them all from those that came with the cards as recommended by the manufacturers to the latest 27.42 leaked drivers....I can only ever install the driver properly on one card, as when it trys to install for the second card it will pop up with a wizard message saying that it has to close the application and then ofcourse on reboot I get the SYSTEM32 directory being corrupted again for yet another round of instalation....anyway check out my other post, as above or just look for my name "akalai" in the "posted by" part.

PS. Where is a good place to download that patch file you the registery file for amd/nvidia/via ???? OK Cheers for your help.

y-dawg   2002-03-08 10:41
check other thread, i replied there. good luck mate.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> VIA chipset vs. Nvidia...can they live in harmony?

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