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Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Can UltraMon help me create these scripts?
Wendall   2013-03-12 20:23
Hello all. I know nothing about scripting, but I was tasked to try to figure this out. What I am trying to do is basically create two scripts. The first script would pull the display settings for 2 monitors attached to 1 video adapter. Things like resolution, virtual coordinates, color settings, etc. Once those settings were pulled, I would need them exported to a file that would be able to be read by the next script. The next script would be able to reach out to that config file, and re-apply those exact settings to both monitors.

I've been searching for days all over the internet, but haven't found the capability to do this with a dual monitor setup. .NET can't do it natively, and I can't seem to find a powershell/VB script that will change the secondary monitor's settings. I've found a powershell script that can pull the resolution from both monitors, but that's as far as I've gotten. Can UltraMon allow me to complete this task? Any input would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
Christian Studer   2013-03-13 09:04
This will work fine, I created such a script for another user some time ago, you can download the two scripts here:

DispConfig2_Save.vbs: saves display settings to a text file
DispConfig2_Load.vbs: loads display settings from a text file

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ SDK -> Can UltraMon help me create these scripts?

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