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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Portrait Style Monitors
Phil Taylor   2002-02-27 21:14
I was wanting to set three digital monitors on there side (Portrait Style) Can this be Done ?
Any help appreciated.
Thanks, Phil.

mmandel   2002-03-05 05:59
Matrox G200 MMS and upcoming G450 X4 MMS can do multiple Portrait mode in digital. Go to and click on Matrox G200 MMS.

- Matrox Inbound Sales
Sondra   2002-03-07 04:08 has software for portrait mode and sells something that's supposed to make any LCD monitor portrait-able.
Phil Taylor   2002-03-10 22:09
Thanks Sondra,
You have been a great help.
This program is exactly what i have been looking for, Thanks Again.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Portrait Style Monitors

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