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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor/dual card -single display error
kev   2013-04-08 12:33
I have just d.graded to Win7. I use 2x 6750
(HIS) vid cards on DVI- port. Crossfire enabled.

AMD mobo and 6 core chip.

My dual monitor (dells) used worked fine under win 7 and 8. Until I stupidly upgraded my drivers to current release from ATI.

Now only one card displays. Card#1 Mon#a =OK Card #2 Mon#B no display.
Swapping monitor no joy.
Reseated card chk.
chk cables and display option on monitor.
chk sys info - it shows 2 cards.
uninstall and use uninstall clean up utility.
Reboot, reinstall current drivers = no good.
unistall again put in older driver - no joy.

pretty pretty please.... help.
Christian Studer   2013-04-09 07:48
Not sure what else you could try, does the operating system detect the second monitor, meaning you have two monitors listed under Display Properties?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor/dual card -single display error

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