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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen mode in browser across several monitors
Rune Sindahl   2013-04-16 21:09
Hi, I am doing a project in which your software might be useable, but I have some questions.

We have a 2x4 setup of monitors. We would like to run the first row(4 monitors) with a full screen browser. Is this even possible? I will try to split the question into the following two parts:

First of all, can a browser window run in full screen mode across multiple monitors? I would like to avoid the browser to only be maximized as the entry part of the URL should not be visible, not to mention the tabs.

Secondly is it possible to select how many monitors should be part of the full screen mode?

Kind regards
Christian Studer   2013-04-17 08:30
Which browser are you using? I tested with IE on Windows 8, worked fine (across 3 monitors) but requires a custom script to resize the fullscreen IE window across specified monitors.

Christian Studer -
Rune Sindahl   2013-04-17 20:38
Hi, thanks for your reply.

For test I currently run Windows 7 with IE10. When I hit the full screen button(F11) the browser only gets shown on one monitor.

Do you know if any particular settings regarding the driver has to be enabled to allow it to full screen mode on two(or more) monitors at once?

Kind regards
Christian Studer   2013-04-18 09:30
No special settings necessary, but you'll need an application like UltraMon to resize the IE window as this isn't supported by IE directly. Let me know if you would be interested in a script which does this.

Christian Studer -
Rune Sindahl   2013-04-18 10:15
If you do have a script which makes it possible to determine spread the fullscreen of IE to more than one monitor I would be very interested.

Perhaps I can tell myself when I see the script, but is it possible to adjust such a script to spread over a custom number of monitors in full screen instead of all available monitors?

Kind regards
Rune Sindahl
Rune Sindahl   2013-04-18 17:10
I should have read the above post before posting it...

I mean if you do have a script which makes it possible to spread the fullscreen of IE to more than one monitor I would be very interested.

Kind regards
Christian Studer   2013-04-19 04:19
I have uploaded a new version of the IeDesktopMaximized script which adds support for this, you'll need to set the LEFT_MON_ID and RIGHT_MON_ID options on lines 2 and 3.

Let me know if you have any questions about configuring the script.

Christian Studer -
Rune Sindahl   2013-04-22 02:50

Thank you for your kind help. That was what I needed.

Kind regards
Marcin   2013-10-24 12:15
Hallo, is there a functionality that allows spreading fullscreen browser through 2 monitors when using chrome (blink) browser instead of IE?
I've read about IeDesktopMaximized but I need some browser native functions + performance, that are not avilable on IE10.

Kind regards,
Marcin Piatkowski
Christian Studer   2013-10-24 14:55
I couldn't get this working with Chrome, looks like Chrome prevents other applications from resizing its window when in fullscreen mode.

Would Firefox be an option? That can be desktop-maximized via UltraMon when in fullscreen mode.

Christian Studer -
Marcin Piątkowski   2013-10-27 15:11
Thank You Christian,
Firefox today is sometimes laggy by css animations, but have to try, how the app I'm working on does the work.

Which script should I use now (on firefox) to spread one webpage through 2 monitors fullscreen at the time positioned vertically (with a different resolution, if it can)

Kind regards,
Marcin PiÄ…tkowski
Christian Studer   2013-10-28 16:43
Do you launch the browser from your app, and would you want to desktop-maximize it from your app as well (instead of using an UltraMon hotkey)?

Christian Studer -
Marcin Piątkowski   2013-10-29 02:17
Yes, indeed.

I want to use an autostart utility (on Windows 7) to open a browser on local hosted webpage (instead of chrome app when browsking on firefox) and make it fullscreen on start, that no additional steps should be required.
Christian Studer   2013-10-29 15:10
I have uploaded a script which does this, FirefoxDesktopMaximized.

Let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.

Christian Studer -
Carlos   2014-08-27 13:59
I saw the scripts for IE and Firefox full screen multi monitor. Is there a way to do this with Chrome. At least the latest version 36? Or other versions?

We have a desires to Chrome across multiple monitors in it's Kiosk or fullscreen mode. We are looking at using UltraMon as a product, but would like to know if this is possible first before we do purchase.

Carlos Mosqueda
Christian Studer   2014-08-27 16:46
Unfortunately this won't work, the problem is that UltraMon can't resize fullscreen Chrome windows. I tested with version 37, but have seen the same issue with earlier versions as well.

Christian Studer -
Robin   2014-10-30 01:01
Hi, I tested the FirefoxDesktopMaximized script but it wont work -.-

Windows 7 x64, Firefox V33
Christian Studer   2014-10-30 13:12
Robin, do you get any error messages?

For me the script works fine with Firefox 33.0.2 on 64-bit Windows 7 (tested with UltraMon 3.2.2).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Full screen mode in browser across several monitors

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