eagleeyez 2013-05-27 11:22
Posted this again, because something went wrong with my last post.
For partially sighted, using MirrorMon add-on with UltraMon
You can see in the video, YouTube (please do watch it, then you will understand it)
just how difficult it is for someone with bad eyesight to use Programs like Unity3D, Poser, CAD, 3DsMax and so on. You can also see how the add-on MirrorMon to UltaMon can help me and others get the job done. But it would be great to be able to get to the action I require quicker and add just a few simple functions.
1. Be able to use the Rect select portion of the screen with just 1 shortcut and then the selected portion would automatically be shown on the 2nd Display. 2. The portion of 1st Display now showing on 2nd Display can already be zoomed in and out, but it would be very useful if it would always zoom into the section of where the mouse pointer is placed on the screen. Also in zoomed view on 2nd Display pressing and holding the middle mouse button would allow the user to Pan around the zoomed window. 3. There are a few other functions, that would be great, but lets just start with these listed above and see how we go.
If anyone thinks, that they could do this please let me know, it is very important that people with bad eyesight can also use programs that others do. Who knows, maybe someday your eyes won’t be that good anymore.
Christian Studer 2013-05-27 13:19
You could do 2) with UltraMon's main mirroring feature, to set this up go to UltraMon menu > Mirroring > Settings and select 'the area around the mouse pointer'.
Windows also has a built-in magnifier tool which works similarly, might be worth a try as well. This is under accessibility options.
Regarding 1): would you always want to mirror the same area of the screen, or would this change?
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
eagleeyez 2013-05-27 15:00
Thanks for the reply, but sadly directly in the UltraMon Mirroring (which is for some reason just called cloning) when set to mouse you can select a zoom level and that was it. you cannon´t later zoom back and forth and you cannot push the mouse to the 2nd screen. Howerver, it means this option is there and maybe something can be done with a script and the add-on MirrorMon.
I will keep at it, with MirrorMon it is usable but I need better access.
As with Windows built in so called accessability, you could say that makes windows as accessable as me getting a Platinum credit card. (no chance). For that side of things I use ZoomText which is sadly not really equipt with dual monitor features that I require and others tobe mentioned also in my sittuation.
please keep sendeing suggestions, it will help.
And do watch the video in my 1st Post.
Christian Studer 2013-05-28 12:07
I've taken a look at the video and think I see what you're looking for, I'll consider this for a future release.
A couple of things that could be done via scripting are listed below, if you're interested in something let me know and I'll upload a script which does this:
- launch MirrorMon on the secondary monitor and open the mirror source dialog automatically
- launch MirrorMon on the secondary monitor and start mirroring the primary monitor automatically, optionally at a specified zoom setting
- mirror the active window on the secondary monitor: this can be done with the MirrorActiveWnd script, could also be modified so that running the script a second time doesn't terminate the existing MirrorMon instance, this way you could mirror multiple windows at the same time
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
eagleeyez 2013-05-28 13:51
Hi Christian, thank you for your quick reply. The last option sounds good, being able to press a shortcut key and whatever active window I have on Primary would be sent to secondary.
What really, really would be great is while on the primary, pressing a shortcut key would bring up the drag recht seclect box and whatever I select on Primary would go to secondary. being able to zoom with the mouse and pan on the secondary would be a dream.
Thanks in advance, you could always send me scripts to try out to my email
Best regard from Germany Christopher
Christian Studer 2013-05-28 14:21
You can already download the MirrorActiveWnd script I mentioned above, let me know if you have any questions about setting this up.
The other things you mentioned would require changes in MirrorMon and can't be done via scripting, opening the mirror source dialog automatically is the closest thing that could be done.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
eagleeyez 2013-06-02 07:27
OK, I'll go through the scripts this week and try out a few things.
Will features that I mentioned be able to be added into maybe a next release of MirrorMon?
Thanks Christian.
Christian Studer 2013-06-02 12:42
I can't make any promises, but will certainly consider your suggestions as those should also be useful for other users.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
eagleeyez 2013-09-15 03:32
Hi Christian, any news on an update for my suggestions? Thanks again for this great plugin.
Christian Studer 2013-09-15 12:21
Not yet, haven't looked into this yet.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com
eagleeyez 2014-01-01 09:49
Hi Christian, How about adding just one simple function to start with? I would start Mirrormon, I press a shortcut key and the rectangle select region appears on my primary screen. I select what I want and then that region appears on my secondary screen. That alone would be really, really great. Maybe this year it would be possible? Thanks in advance Christopher. p.s. By the way. Without UltraMon and this MirrorMon addon I would not be able to use the computer as I do with my eyesight problem. Thanks again for doing this.
Christian Studer 2014-01-02 06:41
I can't make any promises as there are no immediate plans for a new MirrorMon release, the next release will be UltraMon 3.3.0.
Christian Studer - www.realtimesoft.com