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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PNY NVidia GeForce3 64DDR as Secondary!??
FreakboY   2002-03-06 18:24
I have 2 cards

AGP as Secondary:
PNY NVidia GeForce3 64DDR

PCI as Primary:
3DLabs Permedia 2 8MB
(btw, i'm selling it!)

will this work if so how!??
when i go to display properties
my pc freezes (I'm using ME)

Lanlan   2002-03-07 00:20
First of all, don't use WinME :)
FreakboY   2002-03-07 07:37
what do you recommend!??
Lanlan   2002-03-07 13:37
Win98SE, Win2k or WinXP definetly over WinME. :)
FreakboY   2002-03-07 17:05
good, thats what i thought!
but my win2k cd dosn't work
anymore has too many scratches
on it! and i don't know what
i'm going to do!!! haaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone help me!!!
FreakboY   2002-03-07 19:10
i just got Win98SE installed!!!
and it works just fine!!!

btw, milkdrop(winamp plug-in) crashes!!!
dont't know why!!!

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> PNY NVidia GeForce3 64DDR as Secondary!??

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