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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> System don't shut down
ThaPig   2002-03-13 13:53
I installed 2 graphic cards and 2 monitors, and everything works fine, but the computer won’t shut down. When I try to shut down, it goes into some kind of stand-by. Both monitors go black, but a blinking line stays in the secondary monitor, and the computer remains on, forcing me to manually unplug it.

However, if I start the system in “safe mode” without loading the monitor drivers, the computer shuts down normally.

Anyone know what can be the problem?
LanLan   2002-03-14 00:48
Hey, I had that same exact prob running my previous dual monitor setup (running two cards). If I can recall i was running win2k at the time. After a clean format, problem disappeared.

Also, I had a similar thing with XP except that instead of NOT shutting down, it kept resetting the pc and basically never turn off. Again, after a clean format, problem did no persist.

Weird huh?
Jason   2002-03-17 02:06
Yeah, I get the same problem maybe 1 out of every 10 times I shut down the computer through Windows 2000. I only do that once every other day though because I usually either leave my computer on or am rebooting it during the day for one reason or another.

Very weird, huh? ;)

Jason Yang
Digital Studios,
problem solved   2002-03-20 14:59
I changed the seconday card and now the computer works fine! I guess there was some compatibility problem!
Greg Howell   2002-03-20 15:09
That sort of problem under windows is usually do to network problems. If you've got an NIC in your system, it may have been conflicting with your graphics adaptor.
Pyro   2002-04-02 11:51
I have the same Problem, and I found that when I had cjb.netter running and the system tries to shutdown, then the update to offlinie thingy tries to go into effect I guess, and it stalls the shutdoen, but after I exit the proggy itself it shutsdown fine, my problem now is that apm doesn't turn off system like it used to in win\ME, this is an NT problem because I had the same prob. in win2k and XPm if someone knows why it restarts instead of going off please tell me how to fix it.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> System don't shut down

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