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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hardware question (card setup).
Aristotle   2002-03-19 05:48

I have zero experience with multiple monitors, but given my hobbies (programming/scripting, art, desktop publishing, and games) I think I would really benefit from it.

My plan is to use my existing Hitachi CRT monitor (21") as my primary (central) monitor. The graphics adapter for that monitor is currently an AGP Geforce2 ULTRA. I want to get two LCD flat panels (probably 15" or 17") for my secondary monitors (one on either side).

My questions is... do I have to get two PCI graphics adapters for these monitors? ...or can I get 1 dual head PCI card to control the two secondary monitors (and still keep them integrated with the primary monitor)?

My current OS is Win2k Pro. I'll eventually upgrade to WinXP. Thank you for any help you are able to provide.
Lanlan   2002-03-19 06:49
Well, check out the review at:

That uses a geforce3 agp and two geforce2 mx pci cards. Your other choice that I can suggest is a dualhead Matrox pci video card which they did make, I'm not sure if it was the g400 or the g450 but there is a pci version of one of these.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Hardware question (card setup).

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