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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor (S3 pic) wont initialise after bootup (windows XP)
Latts   2002-03-24 19:56
Heres my problem. Please let me know what I can do - Im tearing my hair out:

I have a Kyro II AGP and a PCI S3 Virge card. The S3 is set to primary in BIOS and the Kyro is primary in Windows.

When I boot my machine, the boot info and XP splash screen show up on the S3's monitor, and then when Windows loads, the Kyro monitor displays my desktop and the S3 monitor basically shuts down and the power led blinks orange. I have to go to Display Settings and change the position of the monitors (left or right or top etc) and apply, before the S3's power will come back on and I can see the background image. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for any help.
Latts   2002-03-26 10:50
Does anyone have any ideas?

I am at a loss...
Bluewater   2002-03-27 05:52
I had a problem with my 3s virge and TNT2 card. I figured out that somehow these two cards seem inteterfere each other when installing drivers, so I solved the problem by reinstalling it with s3 virge card only(TNT2 card removed) and add the TNT2 card once s3 card is properly set up. Once all the drivers are properly set up you can set your better card as primary in XP.

There's one thing that's not been solved yet though: video pictures such as avi shows only a quarter of whole picture on the monitor hooked up to s3 card. It doesn't bother me much since I can switch easily between primary and secondary monitors in XP environment and I always use the secondary monitor as multi media monitor. But I want to know why it happens.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 2nd monitor (S3 pic) wont initialise after bootup (windows XP)

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