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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors in win2k, one monitor lags?
Vrede   2002-03-25 05:48
I recently got hold of 2 19" Nokia screens, and decided to invest in a second gfx card, my wet dream being playing Anarchy Online on one, while watching a movie on the other..

My AGP card is a gainward Geforce 3 128mb, and I have a creative geforce 2 32mb PCI card. The primary monitor (using the agp card) works just like before, IE I can play AO in 1600x1200, and watch a movie in a window on top of it, etc. However, even after a fresh reboot I cant open even a small movie clip on the secondary screen (running on the PCI card) without major lag.. If i pull the clip over to the primary monitor it works fine.. Why is this? can this be fixed? I thought by investing in a fairly decent secondary card (geforce 2..) I would get good performance on the second monitor, ATLEAST if im not doing anything on the other monitor? =/

Im on a P3 850 with 512mb 133 mhz SDRAM. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance,

Christian Studer   2002-03-25 06:07
Sounds like video overlays aren't used on the secondary monitor.

Do you have the same problem if you aren't running the game on the primary? What media player are you using? Windows Media Player and Zoom Player are two players that support overlays on secondary monitors.

Christian Studer -
Vrede   2002-03-25 06:40
Thanks for reply. Yeah I get the lag even if not running the game or anything else on the primary screen. I use windows media player, a fairly new one.

I know geforce 2 isnt tha bomb, but it SHOULD be able to play a movie clip, especially when I dont have any other processes running :)

Any other advice?

Vrede   2002-03-25 10:07
Just abother question :)
Is anyone here at all able to run fullscreen video on secondary monitor without lag??

Christian Studer   2002-03-25 10:10
Works fine for me with a very similar system, GeForce3 AGP + 2x GeForce2 MX PCI.

Christian Studer -
Vrede   2002-03-25 15:37
Hmm, you sound like the man to talk to then :)
Are you running w2k professional as well? Can you view movies fullscreen on your secondary monitor? And are you using any other tools than what comes with win2k? Sorry for the bombardment of questions, but Im really eager to make this work =)

Christian Studer   2002-03-27 02:19
Works fine for me on Windows 2000, using Zoom Player to play fullscreen video on secondary monitors.

Make sure DirectX acceleration is enabled on secondary monitors, you can check this with dxdiag.exe.

To check if overlays are enabled on the secondary monitor, run Media Player 6.4 (mplayer2.exe), move it to the secondary monitor, open a video, choose File\Properties, Advanced, double-click Video Renderer and take a look at the DirectDraw properties.

Christian Studer -
Vrede   2002-03-27 20:06
Thanks for bearing with me :) Unfortunately I still havent found the problem.
Overlays are enabled and so is directX on secondary monitor.
Might there be something in the Bios that needs to be adjusted? Any further help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
Christian Studer   2002-03-31 06:28
Have you tried some of the older drivers, for example 12.41?

I just tested the latest 28.32 drivers on Windows XP, and video playback had severe problems: bad performance, bad image quality, Media Player 8 failed to play some videos.

I'm using the default drivers on XP, and 12.41 on Windows 2000.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual monitors in win2k, one monitor lags?

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