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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 4 4400/4600 Twin View limitations?
Timaestro   2002-03-29 11:03
I'm thinking buying an Geforce 4 maybe in next few weeks I was wondering does it have true multi monitor support in win2K like matrox g450/550. And I heard something about overlay issue with geforce twin view what does that mean? Thankx for your help in advance
Timaestro   2002-03-29 11:13
Also with the geforce 4 will I able t run 1280x1024 in one monitor and 1024x768 on the other? This is very important to me becasue I have one 17" lcd and a 15" monitor.
jiggler   2002-03-31 10:00
sure can, each monitor is independent

try going to the nvidia website and checking out the geforce4... more specifically, the nview flash demo( )... it cleared up alot of questions i had as well
Lanlan   2002-04-02 06:19
Check out this thread:

[Nvidia 28.32 true multimon support on Windows 2000?]

Apparently with the new 28.32 drivers, you can have true multimon features in win2k. I have a geforce4, and running XP with this driver without a hitch. Haven't tested it in win2k as of yet.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Geforce 4 4400/4600 Twin View limitations?

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