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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Asus Dualhead cards solution found for Win 200
NICK   2002-04-02 12:58
Yes!!!!!! at last a Win 2000 tweak has been found under the new Nvidia 28.32 drivers to fully enable the dual monitor twinview function of these cards (prior to this a botched dualcard setup would work) Now seperate resolutions and no more windows spanning both screens with popups spanning the "middle".A simple tweak to the registry and away we go , this has been a real sore point with Win 2000 and Asus dual head cards. Finally us poor Asus owners can join the rest of humanity.And with Ultramon software even better.

Registry instructions :

It is possible to activate the dualview mode manually by setting the
EnableW2kDualView key under
HKLM\System\CurrControlSet\Services\nv\Device0 to "01 00 00 00".
NICK   2002-04-02 13:07
Just reading the posts below, Also with the above tweak my Asus 7100 mx dualhead card running under Win 2000 can now be set to have different resolutions for each monitor. So this prob. has been fixed and no more spanning of certain programs between the 2 monitors. So Win 2000 multiple monitor configurations can be fully accessed now.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Asus Dualhead cards solution found for Win 200

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