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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enabling Dualview In Windows 2000
Gianluca Brando   2002-04-05 21:47
We Know that we can enable true multimonitor support in windows 2000 by checking "treat multiple outputs on an nView-capable board as separate display devices" option in dispaly-->properties-->advanced -->geforce-->advanced-->desktop utilities. For some strange reason, i think nvidia bug, this option does not appear even if we have two monitor connected to the videoboard, or 1 monitor and 1 TV such in my case. Well i just found how we can force drivers to activate this option. Copy and past this in a txt file, then rename it to *.reg, open it and press ok:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


Now if we go in dispaly-->properties-->advanced -->geforce-->advanced-->desktop utilities voila, we can select dualview in windows 2000.
Last thing you need 28.32 Detonators Drivers. Don't know if with other versions this works.
Josh   2002-04-08 18:28
I have done this, and confirmed that the registry setting does exist:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Nvidia Corporation\Global\NVTweak
NvCplExposeWin2kDualView = 1 (I copied these values from regiedit into this post)
But when I go to
Display->Settings->Advanced->Geforce3->Additional Properties->Desktop Utilities I don't see the
"Treat multiple outputs on an nView-capable board as separate display devices"
I have both of the other checkboxes on the tab checked.

I have win2k and the newest drivers, as recommended. I have a tv hooked up to the secondary (sVideo) output of the Geforce card, and I can tell that it is recieving some signal (it clicks & flashes when I do Device Selection->Detect Displays). But I can't enable multi-monitor, so I can't set its resolution to be different from my monitor resolution.

I have the card in the AGP slot (duh), but in the Geforce properties it lists its location as PCI bus 1, device 0, function 0. Is this ok?
I haven't been able to get into my BIOS (it loads too fast) to make sure that the card is set to primary, but there are no other cards in my display adapter list, so I think that it must be the primary, even though the shitty built in card is still there.

Anyone have any suggestions how to get the "Treat multiple outputs on an nView-capable board as separate display devices" checkbox to appear?

Win2k sp2 768MB RAM, Geforce3 w/28.32 refrence drivers, 800MHZ P3
Russ   2002-04-08 18:45
I tried your fix, and it works brilliantly. I'm running a new Xtasy GEForce 4 TI as the primary card (AGP) connected to two monitors, a Sony E500 CRT and a Samsung LCD monitor. My secondary card is an old Diamond II 530. After editing the registry, I was able to set up my monitors in dual view mode. So far its working well. Thanks for the tip.
Russ   2002-04-08 18:47
I forgot to add that I'm running 3 monitors:

Primary Card: Xtasy GEForce 4 TI
2 Monitors: Sony E500 (21") and Samsung LCD (17")

Secondary Card: Diamond II 530
3d Monitor: An old 15" ProView LCD
Delta Echo   2002-04-09 12:37
I want to try out the dual monitor feature under 2k, but I too can't find the option for it under Desktop Utilities. I tried the registry option and it's there, and it does not bring out the checkbox. Here is my system info:

AMD XP 1800+
AOpen GeForce 3 TI 200 w/ 64 Megs, Analog, DVI and TV Output
Windows 2000
Detonator 28.32 (Newest on
Samsung SyncMaster 753DF
SGI 1600SW 18.1" Flat Panel

I am able to switch between my monitor and LCD through the Device Selection tab. I am not sure where to start trying to bring the checkbox out besides using the registry addition.

Delta Echo
Christian Studer   2002-04-09 12:40
This will only work with TwinView cards: GeForce2 MX, GeForce4 MX and GeForce4 Ti.

Christian Studer -
Troy   2002-04-09 14:31
I am having some problems getting this to work properly as well. My primary AGP card is a Hercules GeForce2 Pro 64MB and my Secondary Card is an Elsa Gladiac 511 PCI Dual Head. I have 3 -21" Sony Trinitron monitors hooked up to this setup. I can get all three monitors to work only when I use the nView horizontal span. Horizontal span makes the two monitors hooked up to the PCI video card on monitor with one resolution. This would be fine, but I want my monitor setup to be: Main monitor in the center with two supporting monitors, one on each side.

I installed the new nVidia 28.32 and have done all of the registry tweaks and things like that. But what happens is that when I reboot, only two monitors work. The third one is dead to the world. I also get another display adapter in my device manager called nVidia Dual View with a yellow exclamation point. Device could not start (Code 10)

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Here are my machine specs.

Asus P2B-D Motherboard
2 x PIII 700 MHz Procs
2 x WD 40 GB ATA100 HDD
Plextor 40x SCSI CD-ROM
Plexwriter 12x10x32 CD-RW
Asus 16x DVD
AGP: Hercules GeForce2 Pro 64MB
PCI1: Adaptec 2940UW SCSI Controller
PCI2: Elsa Gladiac 511 DH 32MB
PCI3: Hercules Game Theatre XP Sound Card
PCI4: Intel Pro 100+ Nic
Josh   2002-04-12 10:51
So, if this will only work with TwinView Cards on Win2k, will I have the same issue on winXP, or does it provide this functionality?
Mark   2002-04-13 04:24
(Posted elsewhere)
The registry tweak worked for me too.

I have a GEForce4 Ti 4400 card with an analog out connected to an older 15" LCD running at 1024x768 and the DVI-I output connected to an 18" LCD at 1280x1024. Detonator 28.32 driver. W2k sp2. DualView works great - I love it. PIII 667. Via 133A 4X mbd.

But bottom line is the two monitors are working as separate devices, with different refresh rates if desired and different resolutions, no dialog box problems, nView Desktop Manager, and as a bonus the Pivot Pro software supports rotating either or both monitors! Remember to uninstall your old graphics card driver before installing an updated version.
Chriz   2002-04-15 10:13
Works great on my GeForce 2 MX Twinview. Thanks a lot.
JeroenG   2002-04-28 20:48


Does this mean I can use on my main screen
(17"monitor) a resolution of 1024*786 and on
my secondary output (TV) a 800x600.
And ofcourse the most important thing, does mirroring(cloning) still work ok. (is this controlled bij Nview settings or by native windows display properties, extend my desktop)

Why;Playing DivX (ofcourse) I have to put my main screen in 800X600. Oke I found a player which changes resolution when put in fullscreen, but this doesn;t work with games (and other apps).

JoeT   2002-05-07 06:03
Tony   2002-06-05 01:30
Okay, My system won't accept the file, it first asks me if I want to add the file to my registry, when I confirm (press OK) I get a message, telling me that the file is not a registry file. All I did was copy/paste those 2 lines from your post, changed the ending to .reg, but it won't work. I'm using an ELSA Gladiac 511 TWIN AGP, Dets 28.32, and no other video card. nView works so far, spanning the desktop to a resolution of 2048x768, but since I'm using a 17" and a 15" monitor this is not the way I want to set this up. Oh yeah, after switching from an Anubis/Typhoon GF2MX to this one, my desktopbackground (color, etc.) will only change after a reboot. Not really a big problem.

All helf is really appreciated, Thanx, Tony.

Christian Studer   2002-06-05 01:36
You'll have to copy all 4 lines, including 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00'.

Christian Studer -
Christophe Remue   2002-06-06 08:28
I also have an Elsa gladiac 511 TV out graphic card and cannot find the enable true multimonitor support by checking "treat multiple outputs on an nView-capable board as separate display devices" option in display-->properties-->advanced -->geforce-->advanced-->desktop utilities.
So I tried the registry option.
But it doesn't work.
Is it because i am running windows XP (not windows 2000)?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Mark   2002-06-06 16:41
Specs - Quadro4 750xgl, win2k, drivers 28.84

The above reg entry works a treat. I now have 2 monitors one with 1280x1024 and the other 1024x768

After the reg entry my system detects dualview and installs it for me from the dir I originally installed the drivers.

Special Thanks to Christian for pointing this thread out.

Chris   2002-06-07 01:13
How do you get the dualview function to work with opengl? Here's what I mean. I used the reg trick to enable dual view on my Quadro4 XGL 900 and now I can use 2 monitors at seperate resolutions; however, in lightwave 7.5 for example, dragging a window to the second monitor results in nothing in lightwave refreshing and working because the second monitor isn't supporting OPENGL. I tested this theory by disabling dualview and using nview horizontal panning and the second monitor now renders correctly and refreshes correctly. What should I do?
[Ch]amsalot   2002-06-07 05:41
I just really wanted to thank Gianluca Brando for the registry tip. I spent hours thinking that it had something to do with perhaps my monitors not being plug & play, or that it was some software conflict with Leadtek's WinFox utility.

The registry addition worked flawlessly. Now I have my SONY 24" (GDM-FW900) at 1600x1024@85Hz and my 17" Samsung SyncMaster170T (DVI) at 1280x1024@60Hz. It works great!

F.Y.I. It also works with the latest "leaked" .2942 drivers, which are available here:

venice   2002-06-08 10:43
nice one!
Got me working with it. After dualview of nVidia, which made my desktop a 2560x1024, I now have 3 monitors..

hardware: Gainward 650 Pro XP > GF4 MX460.
software: v29.42 drivers, WHQL (or was it?)

Only 2 problems: I now have 3 monitors per screen. I have a secondary graphics card, a VooDoo 3 PCI. With this tweak I got an endless asking (4 times) for a new, standard monitor..
So, I can (-not) select to use my Trinitron 20"or a standard monitor or a standard monitor, and that for both nVidia displays.
2nd problem, more serial: it installed my second nVidia monitor as 3th, since the second was already used by my second graphics board. How to solve this ???

just greetings
Tony   2002-06-10 21:54
I also want to thank Gianluca Brando for posting the tweak, and thank Christian for the help. I finally got my dual monitor setup working the way I want it to. On my next system (new mobo and cpu) I'll then try to add my TNT1 PCI to my GF2MX400 DH for a triple monitor setup.

Venice, you might want to uninstall all of your video card drivers, take out the voodoo card, reinstall the detonators, do the registry hack and get the first two monitors running independently the way you want them to be, and then add the voodoo 3 and it's drivers. Should do the trick, but I'm not 100% sure. Good Luck,


Tony   2002-06-10 23:20
Update: My dual setup seems to bring a bit of insability to my system, if I am browsing the net, and using both monitors, the system tends to freeze if I'm scrolling (mouse wheel)in IE, or something like that. It doesn't happen right away, and only while the cursor in on the seconday monitor(ELSA Gladiac 511 Twin). This card is a GF2MX400, which does get significantly hotter than my old standard GF2MX. This card only has a passive cooler, so I don't know if it might be a thermal problem, but I don't really think so. While I'm typing this, an AVI video is running on the secondary monitor, using the zoom player. Very nice player btw:
Zoom page

Any help is appreciated, otherwise everything is running fine.


Heli - Boarder
Frebay   2002-06-13 05:37
A few questions:
1-Does this reg edit work for XP? If not, do you know where I can find one?

2-I have a gforce 4400, and currently I am using ms extended desktop instead of nview. This means my taskbar is only seen on the primary monitor and not extended across like in nview. The reason I am doing this is b/c I have a 18in dvi lcd monitor and a regular 15 in lcd monitor on the other side. If I use nview I lose the resolution on the dvi monitor and it's not digital quality anymore. Is it possible to use nview and have different resolutions?

Marc J   2002-06-22 23:05
Any similar fixes for a GeForce 2 GTS PRO?

I tried the registry fix but it didn't work, although it worked fine on my GeForce 4 Ti4600, thank a lot!!!!
Marc J   2002-06-22 23:07
Forgot to say, on the GeForce 2 GTS PRO, I am using win2k, have tried with the 28.32 and also 29.42 drivers but the fix doesnt work with either.
EFishwick   2002-06-28 12:48
Thankyou to everyone on this thread, I now have independent resultions and Windows default dialog box handling on 2 displays in W2K using a GF4 card.

Somethign in exchange, if you are upgrading to the 29.32 or 29.42 drivers to get this facility and having problems please be aware of this issue.

Some customised nVidia drivers (for eg those on my Abit Siluro GF4 TI4400) leave references to their customisations of the display properties applet in the registry after uninstall.

Using the reference nVidia drivers will crash the applet when you try and open the Advanced display properties dialog reporting:

"An error occurred while Windows was working with the Control Panel file C:\WINNT\System32\DESK.CPL"

To fix this use regedit to delete the display manufacturer's folder (if it exists) in the following registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers

Thanks to;EN-US;q217752
and the original reference on
for helping me out with this.

K-A   2002-06-28 23:17
Perhaps you guys can answer a question for me! I'm about to buy an ASUS V8460Ultra GeForce 4 Ti 4600 Graphics Card, and I wonder if it is possible to get accelerated 3d on a "wide" screen consisting of two monitors with that card?

If you know another Ti4600 card that can do the trick, I might be able to buy that one instead.

// K-A
Tony   2002-06-30 23:21
Hey Marc J,

The GeForce 2(GTS,Ti,Ultra,etc,...) doesn't have multi monitor support. The TV or DVI out can only clone the original screen. The only Nvidia chipsets that support multy monitoring from a sinle card are: GeForce 2MX(200,400), and all(?) versions of the GF4. The GF 3 doesn't have such a feature at all, no matter what version. Hope I could help, Tony.

Heli - Boarder
Drakk   2002-07-01 03:16
Specs: WinXP, GF4TI4400, G4MX420, 3 monitors

Is there a registry tweak for setting 3 displays as 1 resolution using 2 G4 cards?
EFishwick   2002-07-02 11:50
Yes, using nView to span the two monitors (rather than the true multimonitor situation we discuss here - they have to take the same refresh rate and resolution) enables Open GL over both screens.


ZeRoZ   2002-07-24 06:38
I would like to push this entry for one more time - I (as some others do) wonder if there is a solution for the same problem under Windows XP? Any help would be appreciated - thank you!
sebast   2002-07-27 09:52
Anybody could make it working with geforce3 on w2k? I've tried reg-tweak, but still no checbox..

I think the minimum I want to get is to duplicate picture of my monitor to TV (for movies). Or - at very least - have one button switch b/w monitor and TV.

Also - I'm getting poor quality on my TV - seems like it skips frames. Any suggestions?

I'd appreciate CC to sebast at null dot net. Thanx!
Ted   2002-07-29 09:55
This really helped, I knew there had to be some kind of .reg hack to fix this. Thanks alot Gianluca

Djago   2002-08-06 05:58
Gforce2 GTS Pro doesn't have multimonitor with a monitor and a TV?
When I switch between them there are some sconds of multimonitor, althrough the frequency of the TV is very high and I can't see a thing :P
I can't believe that a TNT-2 or a GforceMX200 can do TV+Monitor and GTS Pro can't... there have to be a tweak...
If anyone can do it, please contact me!!! :)
Ben   2002-08-06 21:30
Dudes, you guys are not helping the win xp user out. I have a Visiontek GeForce3 ti500 and Windows XP Professional. I would like to push this request for one more time like MANY others. Is there a fix for Windows XP as I have been on this problem for hours thinking that it was something else. Thanks for your time.
Christian Studer   2002-08-06 22:42
It's simply not possible, the only Nvidia chipsets with dualhead (nView, TwinView) functionality are the GeForce2 MX and all versions of the GeForce4.

Christian Studer -
Ben   2002-08-06 23:25
Thx for clarifying that up Christian, I read some other posts and kind of figured that out along the way although with no help from nvidia specs. Im still happy with my purchase though :]. I guess I lost a feature for more power hehe
ESkillz   2002-08-10 14:46
Thanks Gianluca Brando! I was looking all over trying to fix this.
WeedsE   2002-08-25 08:35

i have a problem with my tv, i don't know wat de problem is so i hope someone could help me out.
im running win xp pro if i turn on my twinview option my tv gets an image but there is some kind of noise a lineshape aprox 10cm.

please help me

grtz weedse
MUff[99]   2002-08-28 12:22
it WORKED for me, GF2GTS, i was able to run 2 screens (1 on tnt2, 1 on gf2gts) and tv simultaenously (cloning from 1st screen@gf2gts)
I installed the Asus drivers: nview card in displayproperties disappeared. So i deinstalled/reinstalled a few diff. versions (29.42, 30.30,30.82) but the nview card (where you could choose standard, cloning, mirroring ...)is gone.

Anyone knows the reg patch reenabling it?
MUff[99]   2002-08-29 08:19

now installed 40.41 drivers: still no nview-table in my properties (new menudesign, btw)

im pretty sure that uts only one fu**ing reg entry that was set by my old asus drivers, but i crawled through registry 2 times now ... grmbl ....
Rudy   2002-08-29 08:50

If I use a resolution of 1024x768 or less (on the primary screen), I have a perfect picture on my second screen (a normal TV). However, since my primary screen is a 21 inch monitor I prefer a resolution of 1280x1024 BUT THEN THE PICTURE IS CLIPPED AT THE BOTTOM AND THE RIGHT ON MY TV.


I'm using a Gforce 4 MX420 on win XP.

Please mail to if you know the answer...
Jon   2002-09-04 14:00
Hey I have a questiong I have a Geforce 440 w/ tv-out. and when I fullscreen it I want it to fullscreen on the secondary not on the primary. can anyone answer this??? thanks

Blake   2002-09-05 23:06
Hey people i have a voodoo3 in my computer and have just bought a geforce2 to replace it but forgot to uninstall the voodoo i cant get a picture at all with either card, how can i fix this?
plz help
cjdshaw   2002-09-18 22:13
Blake : Try rebooting in safe mode, uninstalling all drivers from Add/Remove software, and all display cards from Device Manager. Then reboot and it should come up in VGA mode and you can install the NVidia drivers.

I tried the multi monitor reg tweak on my Toshiba 5100-503 (Geforce4 440 Go) but the second device didn't recognise the installed drivers. Also, the
(actually called
Display->Settings->Advanced->nView->Geforce4 440 Go)
on my machine was greyed out, so I couldn't get to the Desktop Utilities to uncheck the option. Even removing the registry key didn't help. I had to reinstall the drivers.
GG   2002-10-17 21:38

I try to install one GF2-MX(PCI) additional to my GF4-TI(AGP). Win98SE make no probs, but under Win2000(SP2) i become one errormsg. On reboot after the inserting the new card the hardwaremanager find it and install the drivers but can not activate it: "Error until installation. Data are incorrect.". The same error if i insert one ATI RageII+ or if i activate the NView option "Separate desktops for multiscreen" (the driver try to install one 2nd GF4-TI).
I use the NVidia drivers 30.82. Insert the regkey unfortunately don't resolve the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Georg ;-)
Dave Cameron   2002-11-11 07:04
I've tried Gianluca's patch as well, and it works fine with the 3.82 drivers, although I could always span across my two monitors previously (using G4Ti200).

My problem comes with the new 4.72 drivers. I can get a cloned display, but cannot force spanning regardless of the reg setting, nview settings etc.

The nview display settings appear corrupt too, not showing the bridge pic, and often only shows a white band down the right 3rd of the control panel when on the monitor selection screen.
Justin Cooper   2002-11-13 02:26
The reg fixes worked great. First I tried out the multiple monitors tweak. Worked. Then I tried out the second tweak to get rid of that annoying desk.cpl error. Thank goodness.
The internet is cool. Smart people that share their brain power are cool.

sys congif
p4 1.61234 GHz
256Mb ddr2100
nvidia g4 mx440
SB audigy platinum
msi 6533 mobo

Go, Go, Gadget tech support!
ECarlson   2002-11-20 13:05
As most of you probably know by this time, you don't need any reg hacks if you run Windows 2000 with Service Pack 3, and the 30.82, or 40.72 Nvidia drivers.

Of course you have to have one of the cards that supports dual displays, as mentioned by others in this thread (Certain GF2's,and all GF4's).

The 30.82 drivers worked fine for me, and I recently uninstalled them, then installed the 40.72 drivers, and they work great too.

I have a PNY GeForce4 Ti4200 card, and Windows 2000/SP3. I never had to hack the registry, and I have full independent monitor control. 40.72 even allows me to select seperate walpaper for each monitor.

- Eric,
Lost   2002-11-26 11:35
hi there,

thanks for the advice and please can i have some more!

Dual AMD Athlon MP2200+
nVidia Geforce 4 MX440 video card

i cannot get my dual monitors to work!!!
i've tried this fix to no avail. the registry value is in there ok and i've installed the 28.32 drivers and reboot and nothing changes. display properties do not list dual monitor options. i can span my two monitors using nView but this treats both screens as one big one and is not true dual display.
i've tried installing miniport AGP drivers for my Tyan S2466 chipset, and reinstalling directx and display drivers... nothing!
please help...
macro   2002-11-26 18:41
Dave Cameron - try this, I had the same prob and this worked for me.
Download and run the file, Detonator-40.41-fix.exe from this link. Det fix

My homepage http:/
Fred   2002-12-02 21:26
Im trying to set-up 3 monitors on my pc. Im currently using:
AGP-> GEforce2mx400
PCI-> S3Virge
PCI-> S3Virge

But as always, code 10. Alas, any1 has help??? Also have another card which i may use (s3trio32/64)

Also, does the gf2mx400 have support for twinview, since i always have to boot up on pci, and i can't see the option for twinvew
ChoCho   2002-12-04 08:22
Hey guys for the few of you that were askign about XP, I was having the same problem.....I wanted my monitor and my TV to be separate desktops but couldnt get it to work. I ran the 40.41 fix tool that macro posted:
and then installed the lastest detonator drivers(40.72) and restarted and it works, now when i go into settings under displays I can tell windows to extend my desktop onto monitor 2, now i can maximize a movie on my tv and still work on my pc on my monitor.
Dave Cameron   2002-12-05 17:48
Macro, thanks for the tip. By the time I read your message I'd downloaded the new 41 build, and this works fine. It does actually remove older components itself.
Tyler   2002-12-09 09:47
hey I have a Radeon 9700 pro and Winxp pro. I was wondering how to enable extended desktop mode under winxp pro, just like win2000 where win treats the 2 monitors like one big display. I did this with my Geforce 4, however it was a function on the nvidia driver, and i now have an ati card. I know it is a matter of tweaking the registry to enable this but i don't know how.
any help would be swell
ShAgGyElLoCo   2003-01-08 23:08
Hi, I've a problem with tv out

Athlon XP1700+
GF4 MX440

When I enable tv out for clone monitor (Hyundai Q770 17") I see the desktop perfect in TV (maximun 1024x768) but when I play a video file it can't appears in TV (blank zone). Playing at fullscreen I only obtain a blank screen.
War against DivX?

To play DVD I've no problem using nVDVD with tvout enabled.

Be Happy - ShAgGy
smyrne   2003-01-10 09:05
Hi Shaggy. I had the same problem, and resolved by choosing the tv as main screen (you can choose which one is the main screen via the nview menu). You should now be able to see the movie on tv (though not on your pc monitor: apparently some programs can't hanfle 2 screens together). You can find some more infos on I found this trick in their forum about zoom player.

Sean Barry   2003-01-11 09:13
You guys are great!
EFishwick's solution worked like a dream(2002-06-28 18:48)!!!
I was minutes away from reinstalling! Oh by the way, there is NOTHING like this information on the net. All the other's advice was to delete all *.dll files in the \system32 directory with "NVRS" in the title. That was bogus information.
Many thanks!
Steve   2003-01-16 12:19
I've got a GeForce2 MX 400. I'm running WinXP right now, and I have a 17" Proview monitor and a TV connected to my video card. My desktop spans both displays just fine. However, I'd like to go back to Win2K...the only thing that's stopping me is that every time I've tried it, I can't get my TV to work with my video card. I have Win2K SP3, and version 41.09 of the NVIDIA drivers...and I've also tried with version 40.72. According to an earlier post, registry hacks aren't needed if you have SP3 and version 40.72 of the drivers. Will this hack work for me? I don't want to go to the hassle of reinstalling Win2K only for this not to work. And if it won't work, has anybody got any other suggestions?

System Specs:
1.80A GHz P4
512 MB DDR PC2100 RAM
NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 400
Hercules Gamesound Fortissimo II
16x DVD
40x12x48 CD-RW
100 MB Zip
80 GB HD
eledu   2003-01-22 07:35
Hello guys. I have an Abit GF4 MX400-8X and I´m having the no clone problem....
So I can only select Analog Monitor OR TV, not the both at the same time. It´s strange as in my previous pc i´ve had the same card but without the 8x support and I did cloning all the time without any problems.... But now tried installing latest drivers, tried the detonator fix posted above, tried deleting every nv*.* file under System32, etc.....
It doesn´t even detects displays correctly... It doesnt detect TV, I can only switch to it going to >Select Output device.
I don´t know what else to do.... Is there any way to force detection or force cloning????
Thanks in advance.

System: P4 1.6 512Cache, 256Mb RAM, Abit BG7 motherboard, WinXP.

manipulator   2003-01-23 07:06
hi i have a G4MX420 graphics card nvidea chipset made by MSI i have a problem with it crashing or lagging me down is there ne fix or a specific problem with this model?
lolo   2003-02-02 23:30
hey how to install open gl in windows xp pro
plz help i have nvidia geforce2 mx 400 plzzz help me.

paul_1024   2003-02-18 05:54
Hi, if anyone can help that would be greatly appreciated.

I have dualview enabled now and it works ok except that when running certain games, gta3 for example, it says 'Grand Theft Auto III requires at least 12MB of available video memory' and other games run slower than usual presumably due to using the dualview display adapter instead of the ti4400 card i have. The dualview presumably is only allocated a small amount of video memory and so how can I get around this? Also how can I switch between applications running (e.g. a game) on one monitor and say another application on the other? Alt+Tabbing doesnt seem to do it.

Any ideas?
paul_1024   2003-02-18 06:02
Just to add to my last post, another message that occurs when trying to run games is that it cannot initialise direct3D.

paul_1024   2003-02-18 06:18
An update: Problem is improving, i did a restart and the d3d problem is gone it appears. However trying to actually use two monitors for full-screen programs is proving rather tricky. It just minimizes the program and re-positions the other application in an odd position when you maximize again. For example running a game in fullscreen on one monitor and internet explorer on the other, everytime you run the game IE gets re-positioned so you cant see half of it and its impossible to alt-tab between them without the fullscreen app (game) minimizing.

Any way of doing this game + internet at the same time?

Any help is greatly appreciated.
derek c foley   2003-02-18 07:41
in reply to paul_1024

Re Unable to start Direct3d

I had this problem before, after installing a later set of detonator drivers. Although curiously, OpenGl games (such as Quake3) have no problems!

You solve it by going to the Display properties>advanced>Direct 3d settings

Change the PCI texture memory setting (I think thats what its called), try reducing the amount - the easiest way is to open the DirectX diag program (inside program files/directx) then run the Direct3d test after tweaking the setting. Depending upon your card, you'll find it will work at lower values, sowing the direct x cube spinning round - start from 2mb and test it, then increase, test again etc, until you discover the upper threshold.

Dont ask me why you have to do this, or the efect it has on games though! perhaps someone can explain this one! All I know is it seems related to a certain detonator version upgrade - sorry I cant remember which one!


derek c foley   2003-02-18 07:53
Heres a question for you.

I have 2 geforce cards
1) A-Bit Siluro GeForce4 Otes 128meg 8x AGP (dual view + TV out)
2) Pine Geforce 2 MX400 Excalibur (nview on TVout only)

Now having had a nasty worm virus attack I've had to reinstall almost everything, and lost the magical combination of detonator drivers that made my dual view and secondary monitor work.

Reading the posts - I've suddenly wondered what happens with cards with TV out - well more specifically, what if two cards have this feature...

I have a problem where I can only get clone mode via the Geforce4 outputs and the other geforce card nicely outputting a seperate display.
Every time I enable the "treat dual cards as seperate output" on the Geforce4, the Geforce 2 display goes off, and I dont get the expected three monitors in the windows display settings option.

Curiously though, both Geforce cards are "Functioning properly" in the hardware device manager, along with the Nview "virtual" device.

I am rather fed up with service packs, and in anycase - I have the dual option visible in the nvidia control panel on display properties.
Why am I fed up with service packs you might ask - well this due to problems (near impossibility of repairing non bootable win2k installations after bad virus attacks or crashes - and all I can think of that it is a wierd sp1 issue - anyone care to comment?

or for that matter have a solution?
I'm just about to Ghost the partition and apply Sp3 out of desparation!


Derek c Foley
ewhiz   2003-02-27 16:35
hey fellas anyone wanna go to a private chat and get down and dirty?
Dig   2003-03-06 00:59
I have a GeForce 4 Ti 4800SE AGP8X (MSI).My machine is running Windows XP Professional.
When I try : "Control panel-> Video settings ->
MSI config" , so I get the message:
"shell.dll,Control RunDLL"C:Windows\system32\desk.cpl",Vídeo" .

Anyone have any suggestions how to solve this trouble ?
Conn   2003-03-09 05:34
Anyone wanna help me overclock my geforce 2 400 mx i cant find "coolbits" in the reegistry which supposedly opens up the overclock feature...anyone wanna help ?

Ben   2003-03-19 05:46
Ok, This is really bugging me. I have a Sony Vaio, specs r 1.7 ghz, 1 GIG of SD RAM, 19 inch Envision moniter and 40 gig of harddrive space, and a nVIDIA g4 ti4600. I have all latest drivers but when I go to additional properties and stuff for things all I get is nVeiw, performance and quality, and sum other stuff but NO openGL or DIRECT 3-D shit. I mean every other cumpoter has this, wtf, why don't I have it? I ccant tweak vsync because I don't have the open gl thing to do it in? PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
CplViper   2003-03-30 06:20
I'm with Dig .... same MSI card, same OS, same problem. Haven't found a solution yet ... anyone else having this problem?
Circuit Breaker   2003-04-03 08:16
I have a similar issue, but with other symptoms. I get the whole windows error message, (which the above fix did not cure, btw), but also my PC randomly locks up, and / or flickers black for a second before returning to normal, I have an Abit Siluro GF4 Ti4200-8X, and have no idea what to do. I hope I wont have to send the thing back to for a replacement. Any ideas?

The meek shall inherit what's left when I'm done.
wigal   2003-04-07 08:56
Hi there! I hope you guys can help me...

I have a geforce 4 mx440 with tv out, under windows xp. now my question is: can i run the vga port and the tv out port at the same time (with cloning, or whatever)? If its possible how? All my options within the nview dialogue are grayed out... thanx for every help.
Gianluca Brando   2003-04-13 21:27
Hey this thread is still here..
I'm here only to thanx Christian for his great prog.
ytp   2003-04-17 06:42
I'm using a Dell Latitude c840 with the Geforce4 440 Go 64MB chipset. I'm also using Dell's OEM NVIDIA drivers version 28.35. I would like to use a 19" 1280x1024 LCD in conjunction with my laptops 1600x1200 LCD both at their native resolutions, but I have not been able to do so using the registry tweak listed above.

Currently, I am using the nView functionality to do a horizontal span between the two at a combined resolution of 2560x1024. Regardless, I want to have two screens displaying different things at their native resolutions. I believe DualView offers this.

The registry tweak adds the following checkbox option to my Display Properties/Advanced/GeForce4 440/Additional Properties/Desktop Utilities tab:

"Treat multiple outputs on an nView-capable board as separate display devices."

When I check that box, all nView functions become grayed out, and I'm still unable to use both displays simultaneously at their native resolutions. Also, when I restart, I am greeted by an Unknown Device dialog box which prompts me to install a driver for a device connected to the GeForce4 440 Go adapter. I point the Device driver wizard to the location of my 19" LCD's driver, but it does not find any hardware information. In any case, my 19" LCD is already detected at that time along with my laptop LCD and another Default Monitor, which I assume the laptop's TV-out.

I'd appreciate it immensely if anyone could help me. I'm so used to 1600x1200 even on a meager laptop display that I'd hate to lose it. Thanks.
PhatDaddy   2003-04-24 05:40
In response to eledu's message--Eledu, try rebooting your computer with the TV-Out connected to the TV, with the TV on. The same thing occurs for me for some reason if I do not boot the computer with the TV attached & on. When I restart, it then gives me a secondary monitor to connect in the display properties->settings tab. I have an Abit Siluro GF2 MX400-4X. If you find a way around having to reboot, let me know. It's kinda annoying having to shut down all my programs when I want to watch something on the TV.

Original Message
Hello guys. I have an Abit GF4 MX400-8X and I´m having the no clone problem....
So I can only select Analog Monitor OR TV, not the both at the same time. It´s strange as in my previous pc i´ve had the same card but without the 8x support and I did cloning all the time without any problems.... But now tried installing latest drivers, tried the detonator fix posted above, tried deleting every nv*.* file under System32, etc.....
It doesn´t even detects displays correctly... It doesnt detect TV, I can only switch to it going to >Select Output device.
I don´t know what else to do.... Is there any way to force detection or force cloning????
Thanks in advance.
System: P4 1.6 512Cache, 256Mb RAM, Abit BG7 motherboard, WinXP.
ryvn   2003-04-28 03:22
I'm running win2k on DELL i8200 Geforce440GO with twinview. Just to let everyone know that the GO chipset supports twinview too.
ukpm   2003-07-15 03:19
I have a Dell 8100 with a GeForce Ti500 (supplied by Dell) and it doesn't seem to support any knid of Dual View functionality.

Does anyone know of a way of enabling this, or have Dell created some nasty OEM version of the card that means only one display can be used at the one time?!

Andy   2003-07-17 14:58

I have a GF4MX440 dualview with two vga connectors.

When I use nview the multimonitors works but as you all know it spans across the two displays which is useless and windows pop up half in one, half in the other.

So i enable dualview to treat the two outputs as seperate displays. now I have a new device, nvidia dualview.

However all accelerated apps (games etc) go to the second monitor. The reason: no acceleration on the first display!!!!

in dxdiag all acceleration is greyed out and the memory is "n/a", the second display shows up as having full (working) acceleration.

Why is this happening and how do I fix it?

I'm using Win2k SP3 with Dx9.0a and nvidia 44.03 drivers.

Any help would be appreciated as I am tearing my hair out over this problem.


Vinny   2003-08-07 12:39
I own a tigertv computer 2,66ghz. Pent4, 512cache,via p4pb400flvcmotherboard, 120ghard drive,geforce4 mx440se-4x agp 128mb ddr w/tvout,maui pci pvr mpeg dec/tv tuner card. my problem is that when i go to the advance tab,to try to clome to tv it is all greyed out. only primary display is not how do i fix this problem. I am somewhat a novice. help please. e-mail me with a solution for a novice thank you very much.
Odinn   2003-09-28 13:07
I have in my computer Geforce MX420,
working good in Windows 98SE,
But when I did instal Windows XP Pro,

The computer can not find any adapter for
the video card,

"This device cannot start. (Code 10)

is the message I get, and even I have download the new drivers, I still have the same problem...

the Geforce4MX420 just do not work in my computer,
I have another computer here, and I have test the Geforce4 card in it, and the card works 100 %

How come ? Is the motherboard 2old I use ???
or can I fix this problem ??

In advance my best greetings Odinn
D28twang   2003-10-21 06:17
I have a problem after installing my MSI GeForce 4200 128MB AGP 8x card. The 'MSI Information' & 'MSI Clock' tabs cannot be accessed.
I get the following error: 'An exception occurred while trying to run "shell32.dll, Control_RunDLL "C:\WINDOWS\System32\desk.cpl",Display"
After going to 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Controls Folder\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers\' and deleting what was there, the problem still exists.
I have WindowsXP Home Edition, so I am guessing it is a problem with the display drivers (nVidia & WindowsXP. I've tried an older driver and the newest driver for my card...same thing with all three drivers.
At least I can still overclock with the 'nVHardPage nVIDIA Videocard Tweaker' which you can download at
Ann   2003-12-02 16:00
OK, ... I am not a real technical person, ... but I am trying to view my movies from my puter on my TV and I have been trying to follow all the different instructions on how to do that but the one thing that baffles me is that in DISPLAY when I switch the default monitor where it unchecks the extend my windows box it unchecks, ... why???

I have GeForce4 440 GO, ... does this mean anything to you all, ... and I am using XP Pro as well.

HELP, ... I have been trying to figure this out for weeks

Oana-Maria   2003-12-15 08:39
I have a problem with my gforce 4mx.
I can't instal it so I could watch on tv. Can you help me?

Oana Topita
Vinnie   2004-01-23 06:53
Hi Guys,

I'm looking at buying a TNT2 PCI card to run a second monitor along with my GeForce 4 MX440 AGP card.

I just want to be able to have one seperate desktop on one monitor and one on the other so I can view a manual on one monitor, and then be typing into a program on the other.

Would this be possible with this kind of setup?

Sys Specs:
WinXP Pro
AMD Athlon 950 (soon to be a 2500+)
64MB Geforce 4 MX440 AGP
To Buy a TNT2 PCI card if this is said to work.
ecarlson   2004-01-23 11:48
Vinnie: Yes, it will work.

- Eric
buster   2004-02-19 08:31
wow this thread is still up :) i have the same problem as chris, dont think anyone responded. i'm running 3 monitors, all on different cards. a geforce fx 5200 as my primary, a voodoo 3 on the left and an old matrox on the right. i downloaded a few 3rd party drivers for the voodoo3, hoping to get directx8 to work, to no avail. the problem is with opengl on the voodoo3, when i drag a lightwave window to the voodoo theres no opengl display or refreshing, i only see the buttons/interface. any help is much appreciated.
kubwak   2004-03-26 04:49
just borrowed an old 14" crt from a friend and connected it to my gf ti4200 thru the 2nd vga out. took me an hour playing around with the settings until i was able to make it work. have my secondary desktop in the 14" in 1024x768res to monitor log files and my primary 17" at 1600x1200res for editing, surfing, etc.

while installing 2nd monitor, went thru some chit, clone thing works but at 256 colors and 640x480res only, adjusted settings and now primary doesnt work, unplugged secondary to make primary work, plugged 2ndary back in and played around with settings until i got it

the gist of what i did:
install abovementioned registry, plug in 2nd monitor, start pc, click on enable nvidia to treat it as two blabla, makes you reboot, win2k will prompt you to install secondary monitor driver, reboot i think, then started nview and make it span desktops.

i didnt really list down what i did so good luck to you

now taskbar is just on primary monitor. could use some tips on making 2ndary have a taskbar
Charlie   2004-04-09 08:02
Okay, I've read again and again that this tweek only applies for GE Force2 MX.... TwinView, etc. Yet, I'm sitting here with a Dell Inspiron Nvidia GeForce2 Go that claims to support dual output. In fact, I have the dual working, I'm just trying to get the thing to drive different display resolutions. grr....

Is this possible, or do I have one of those cards that won't work?

The weird part is that I have the latest drivers from Dell, but I do not believe these are the latest drivers from NVidia. I go to my system information area and this is what I see:

Adapter type: GeForce2 Go, Nvidia Compatible
Adapter Description: Dell 8100
Installed Drivers: nv4_disp.dll
Driver Version:

Drilling into the driver file, I find the following: NVidia Compatible Windows 2000 Display Driver, Version 44.82
Date: 6/24/2003

This would indicate that my drivers are new enough....

yes? no? am I coherent?
Dave   2004-04-26 14:52
I installed an nvidia Quadro2 Pro card in a Dell Precision workstation and can't get dualview to work. I'm able to switch single view back and forth on both monitors but it won't allow me to use both of them at the same time. Also, there's an option I clicked called "Install dualview (advanced)" from the nvidia icon in the system tray, but all that happened was a prompt for me to restart and nothing happened. Thanks in advance for any help.
Dave   2004-04-27 10:40
Never mind my previous post. I just researched the card and found that the Quadro2 Pro MXR is capable of twinview output but the Quadro2 Pro is not. Thanks anyway.
Operator   2004-06-28 23:39
I have a GeForce MX440SE with 128mb and I got this adapter to connect a second VGA screen under winXP. I tried al the options and latest drivers, but I get NOTHING on my second screen. The nview software only sees the analog an TV-OUT, but no DVI. Any suggestions?

james williams   2004-08-06 12:31
if anyone could help. I need drivers for a 32mb nvida ge force 2mx with tv out. Please send to

thanks graywolf
Tantalus   2004-08-06 13:32
>I need drivers for a 32mb nvida ge force 2mx with tv out

did you try going to the nvidia site and d/l'ing the forceware drivers?
Ronin maki   2004-11-29 05:49
I plugged a VGA monitor into my laptop to expand my desktop but the only thing I get is a clone view.

The 'settings' tab in my Display Properties window does not show: Two or more monitor icons in the dark gray area under "Drag the monitor ...". It shows only one monitor which I can't select!

I run WinXP version 2002 including SP2 on a Acer 2500+ Laptop with a S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR.

Can anyone help me with this??

Manish   2005-03-18 12:46
I have a GeForce 2 Go card installed on my dell inspiron 8100 but i can't seem to enable the twinview mode on my display settings. It doesn't appear anywhere in the display settings. Does anyone have a solution to this?


s.familiar   2005-03-31 21:26
OK I am running WinXP Pro with a nVidia 5700 Ultra that runs dualview without any problems, IF I am using the VGA adapter in the DVI port. My problem is that when I plug my DVI LCD into the DVI port Windows doesn't boot. I can watch the post run through fine, and then nothing. Explain this one to me please.
atimal   2005-05-26 14:42
I have NVIDIA GEFroce Ti 4600 card with an analog an digital output. I have two monitors connected but the Nview option only lets me display either the analog or digital monitor but not both at the same time i.e. only one monitor is available at a time. My registry does have the link as suggested but it does not seem to work. Any suggestions are welcome

Carlos   2005-10-18 20:27
I also have a GeForce2 Go card on my laptop. OS is Windows Xp+SP2. I can not see Twinview anywhere, so I can not clone the pc screen to my TV or projector. The only thing I can do is to "extend" my screen to TV/projector, but not to see on them what is on my pc screen.

Can anyone hlep?

Gibran   2006-01-03 02:36
I am having the same problem.
I have GeForce2 Go on my laptop and running winxp sp2.
There is no twin view option.
Please help!
EAB   2006-01-04 22:42
RE: NVIDIA GeForce2 Go video card & Dell Inspiron 8100 & Windows XP & Twinview.
Go to the Dell website and download new drivers for the video card. Then use the NVIDIA Wizard.

Guest   2006-01-28 11:09
Since you have XPSP2 the Dell driver may have been replaced by the Microsoft one (It will say Dell 8100 instead instead of Nvidia). Go to Display properties, click on settings and then advanced. Look for a tab for Nvidia instead of just Twinview. It normally has a sidebar on the left which says Nview display mode. (The monitor has to be connected before starting up the computer and "extend my desktop to this monitor" should not be checked to enable this) That should have the option to enable clone view.
crash   2006-02-28 02:50
I see this is very old, but i have pretty much the same set up and wondered if there were any responses.

"Ronin maki 2004-11-29 11:49 I plugged a VGA monitor into my laptop to expand my desktop but the only thing I get is a clone view.

The 'settings' tab in my Display Properties window does not show: Two or more monitor icons in the dark gray area under "Drag the monitor ...". It shows only one monitor which I can't select!

I run WinXP version 2002 including SP2 on a Acer 2500+ Laptop with a S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR.

Can anyone help me with this??


I get a mirror version on lcd as the laptop monitor.

Running HP laptop
S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR

Jason   2006-03-03 06:54
Different resolutions on Dell 8100 still do not work for me either. I use nview, it always blue-screens trying to change the resoltion but if I use 1280 in both it works. Of course I want 1600 on my LCD laptop and 1280 on the spare 17" I found but no go, always blue screen unless laptop is set at 1280 too and that looks horrible.

Is it possible or is it never going to work? I updated bios, drivers, everything, after XP SP2

Anyone had success here?

Dianne   2006-06-27 21:24
Can anyone help please, absolutely dumb with computers but we have bought this dual screen Karaoke computer set up with windows xp and the 17in monitor is fine with colour etc but when we plug into the TV for the singers to see the words of the songs it is in black and white and they cant see the colouring going through the lyrics,even the screensaver comes up on the tv as black and white, if we switch over to cav that is in colour on the tv, please please help an absolute dummy
Dianne   2006-06-27 22:06
Thanx anyway, but we fluked it it was just the flick of a button in the the Gforce that the previous owner had changed.
Kerry   2006-10-09 02:29
I have windows 2000 and and ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 video card. I am trying to set up dual monitors with the single video card. when I get to the settings tab it does not show the two monitors in the "identify box."

I can get this to work on other peoples computers that re runing XP but not mine with 2000. Any suggestions?
agueda   2006-10-27 10:09
I have an ASUS A8JM notebook with the Geforce Go 7600, a VGA port and a DVI-D port.
But when I go to the nView control panel I Do not have the option "Horizontal Span"
like I've seen in other computers with the same graphic card (for example the Toshiba Satellite). All I have is SingleDisplay/Clone/DualView,
but no extended desktop via the Horizontal Span.
Is there any driver I could try??
(I already tried at nVidia website with no luck)
Christian Studer   2006-10-27 10:11
Dualview will also extend the desktop. I don't know why you wouldn't have the horizontal span option though.

Christian Studer -
agueda   2006-10-27 10:18
DualView only allows me to extend the desktop using 1 external screen and the laptop screen.
It does not let me choose 2 external screens...
I can only do Clone using 2 external screens.
mik   2006-12-23 06:24
Does anyone have a problem with the NVIDA gForce 440. When i go to play a game the monitor will not switch over to the games display. I have tried everyting, changing the refresh rate going under the driver and changing the modes...still it just goes to a black screen. I have updated drivers and it still won't work. Anyone have any advice?

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Enabling Dualview In Windows 2000

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