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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor problem with Win2000
Will Gorman   2002-04-09 00:47
I'm currently running an Athlon 1.2 ghz machine which I've just recently
attempted to add a second monitor to. My primary video card is an NVidia
GeForce2 (AGP) and the secondary card is an SiS 300/305 (PCI). The problem
I run into is that having both monitors enabled somehow seems to be very
processor intensive. Just dragging windows around the screen will get my
processor usage up to 100%. Also, it only allows me to have one window of
anything Explorer based open at a time. If I have an IE window open, and try to open My Computer I get nothing and vice versa. I've tried it both ways the AGP card as the one the bios boots with and also with the PCI card as the one it boots with and no luck. I can't tell if if this is a Windows problemm or a bios or motherboard problem, but i have no idea what to try to do to fix it. Any help at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

cyberp0wer shopper   2002-04-19 00:15
I can't even get multiple-monitors up on Win200.
The only thing I can think of is for you to check
1) your drivers
make sure you've got the latest and the greatest

2) win2k service packs
-- make sure you got at least SP2

3) services
open up task scheduler, maybe you got some kind of rogue process

and last but not least, reinstall
from scratch, and set it up again,
carefully adding your apps one by one after
you've already set up the card
that'll help you narrow it down
(if it's a bios issue, well, that's unlikely)

try diagnostics tools like SiSoft Sandra
(i've not used it, but and other hardware sites use it often)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitor problem with Win2000

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