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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP card + PCI card + Editing card
Gpin   2002-04-09 03:16

I have a little problem I can't figure out.

I have a system with
- AGP 3DLabs GVX1 (monitor # 1)
- PCI Nvidia card (monitor #2).
Works great.

I then added the Edit card MATROX RT2500, and everything still work fine but by installing this card, Windows add a third monitor in the Display properties (I know it's supposed to be that way)
The problem is that my PCI Nvidia became MONITOR #3 and the MATROX RT2500 is now MONITOR #2.

It also means that the Ultramon features do not work as it used to be. I can't use the Move the next monitor, or expand to both screen features.

Is there a way to assign the monitor # in the Windows display properties ? .....if not is there another solution.

Thanks in advance.

PS : I'll post that one on the Matrox forum too.
Christian Studer   2002-04-09 03:30
Can you disable the RT2500 monitor in Display Properties and still use the card for video editing? If yes, Beta 7 of UltraMon will allow you to ignore the RT2500, see the preview for a screenshot of this new feature. UltraMon will also reassign monitor IDs, so as far as UltraMon is concerned you'll have only two monitors, numbered 1 and 2.

Christian Studer -
Gpin   2002-04-09 03:55
Thanks for replying so quickly Christian.
I try to disable the RT2500, but unfortunatly the card is not recognized anymore.

I saw the new features for ULTRAMON Beta 7, and it's seems to be able to solve the problem.

if it's a beta version, who is doing the Q&A for it? :) Can't seems to be able to download it anywhere....when will it be available.


Christian Studer   2002-04-09 05:41
UltraMon requires that a monitor is disabled in order to be ignored, but it may be possible to change this.

I'll need to know a bit more about your system:

- do you have a monitor or TV connected to the RT2500, and if yes, is the desktop extended to this display (you can move windows to it, etc)?

- please post the system information displayed on UltraMon's About dialog (UltraMon menu > About)

The screenshot is from an intermediate build of Beta 7, which isn't publicly available. Beta 7 is currently scheduled for end of April.

Christian Studer -
Gpin   2002-04-09 11:44
Hope this helps.

3 monitors
Current desktop: 3840x1680 (0,-8 - 3840,1672)

Monitor 1 - SONY CPD-E400/E400E (primary):
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 75 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 0,0 - 1600,1200. Workspace: 0,0 - 1600,1172
Video card: 3Dlabs Oxygen GVX1
Device: \\.\DISPLAY1\Monitor0

Monitor 2 - Default Monitor:
Settings: 640x480, 16-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 3200,1200 - 3840,1680. Workspace: 3200,1192 - 3840,1652
Video card: Matrox RT2500 - English
Device: \\.\DISPLAY2\Monitor0

Monitor 3 - SONY CPD-E400/E400E:
Settings: 1600x1200, 32-bit color, 60 Hz refresh rate
Coordinates: 1600,-8 - 3200,1192. Workspace: 1600,-8 - 3200,1192
Video card: NVIDIA GeForce2 MX dual CRT (Compaq)
Device: \\.\DISPLAY3\Monitor0
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP card + PCI card + Editing card

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