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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nice program for multi-monitoring & strange problem.
Nite   2002-04-12 03:40

Surfing the 'net, I happen to bump to a site publisihing a program that can "pivot" a screen. supports multiple monitors, aimed primarily at pivot-able LCDs, but from my experience, should work with _any_ display. A portrait-aligned display is much more appropriate for reading texts, etc. Worth to check out. Definetly.

But that brings the problem. I don't have a LCD-screen and I would very much to have a pivoted secondary monitor... but, it seems that if you tilt your standard CRT-monitor, you get discolorization, flickering, and image disortation...

The question is, how to avoid it? Does newer (my monitors are from the 80s/90s...) monitors have the same problems? Can we do anything about it?

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web -
Nite   2002-04-12 03:41
Drat. forget to mention the program :P

It's published by Portrait Displays Inc. (, and its Named "Pivot Pro".

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web -
Pyro   2002-05-13 03:15
I am using the latest leaked drivers for my Radeon VE from and they have pivoting built into the video properties tabs. I have a monitor turned up on its side, which is a regular 14 inch monitor that I bout about 3 or 4 years ago and it looks just fine, I intend to get a G1000 to go with my system and one day have about 6 Lcd displays for everything

On the quest for too much desktop space, I haven't found it yet ;>
Edd   2002-05-13 20:38
Ive seen people before who have had success in turning monitors on there side. They were doing it for the purpose of replicating some of those old arcade machine cabinets running mame.
I suppose it would boil down to the model / manufacturer in the end.. some you'll be able to, and some you wont.
I dont think i'll risk turning my monitors on their side though - not for long periods of time! :)

Nite   2002-05-13 20:43
I've tested with eight different monitors of varying age (form about 2 to 16 years) and none of them can be turned on their side without having strange effects. Drat. Guess just my "luck" ;)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Dennis   2002-05-14 05:06
My guess is that the magnetic fields in one monitor are interfering with the ones in the other. If you've already tried swapping which monitor is primary or secondary and thus which is tilted, try separating the monitors as much as possible (even try turning one so it faces the side of the other at a distance) and see if that helps. If it helps then you need to find a sheet of shielding material like they use in speakers and put it between the monitors.

Mesh   2002-08-14 03:17
If your monitor(s) have a degauss function i've read it's recommended to use it whenever the monitor has been moved

Boonebytes   2004-12-24 00:59
AWESOME! Remind me to visit this forum more often! I wanted to turn my CRT on the side, but each time I tried, it came up looking really green. Then, I read this topic, and seen that Mesh said to use the DEGAUSS feature... so I did, and IT WORKED! The montitor's sitting on it's side now... very ... ummm... different lol. I have yet to decide if I'm going to keep it this way, but it looks promising
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Nice program for multi-monitoring & strange problem.

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