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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Compaq Presario, All-in-Wonder Radeon (AGP) & Pine TNT2 M64 (PCI)
AT WIT'S END   2002-04-13 18:41
I have been going crazy tryin to get dual monitors to work on my PC.

Here are the pieces and problems:

Presario 5000Z
1.0 GHZ Athlon
640MB Ram
ATI A-I-W Radeon (AGP)
Pine (nVidia) TNT2 M64 32mb (PCI)

When I put the card in my PCI Slot, connected my 2nd monitor and turned my system on, I got no display...

I don't think the OS even booted up....
The system and processor fans were on, but that was it. Both screens just remained black with the power lights flashing...

I turned my system off and took the nVidia out...
The system fired right up and the display was through my ATI AIW Radeon Card.

I turned my system off, disconnected the ATI and put the nVidia in the PCI slot...System fired up again....

Put both cards in.....nothing...
ATI alone again....fired up...
Put Both cards in...Nothing
nVidia Card alone again, installed the cd Software included with the
card....fired right up.....
Both cards......Nothing....

I can get each monitor to run individually, but I cannot get both working at the same time.

I reset the bios settings (per Compaq support) to default by restarting my system and pressing F10 with the AGP card in. I shut down the system. I then put the PCI card in and restarted my system and both screens just remained black with the power lights flashing...

I do not believe there to be a "bad Card" problem as the monitors will each work in the absence of the other.

Can it be possible there is some setting the needs to be set so the system can differentiate one as the primary and the other as secondary display?

I am not totally familiar with Bios. I have looked around in it but do not remember seeing anything regarding initialization order or anything.
AT WIT'S END   2002-04-13 18:44
OH...and I am running Windows Millenium OS
tse   2002-05-01 14:15
Try placing them together on the higher end of the slot. As close to AGP as possible.
Frank   2002-05-03 01:12
I've gone through the same thing you have except with different pci cards (2 different ones). In order to get dual monitors to work with and agp card and a pci card you have to set your bios to boot up pci first. Only problem is, you don't get the benefit of the AIW Radeon features (tuner doesn't work). Someplace I read that this is caused by something having to do with Microsoft. That I wouldn't know. I bought an inexpensive ATI pci card thinking that surely they'd work together, being by the same manufacturer and all, but no. It didn't make any difference. I've sent a message to ATI requesting a suggestion as to which of their pci cards WOULD work with the agp AIW, but no answer. I hope some of my experiences can help you. If you learn anything I'd love you to share it with me.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Compaq Presario, All-in-Wonder Radeon (AGP) & Pine TNT2 M64 (PCI)

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