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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> pls help, know how to switch between monitors at click of a button?
JB   2002-04-17 21:23
Hi, I have been literally pulling my hair out over this, so would be extremley grateful if someone could please help me out.

Anyone know how to swap between graphics cards and set your monitor/card as the primary in Windows XP, without having to go through the display settings area? Ideally, it would be fantastic if I could just be able to automatically change between grahpics cards at a click of a button when I need to. I have different accounts on XP (admin, guest and another user), and thought that perhaps I could set up another account which uses my second graphics card only, but when I try to do this, it doesnt save the graphics settings soley on that account and instead changes the settings on all accounts.

Even a TSR third party program of some sort would be fine, any method that basically allows me to switch between cards at a click of a button. The reason I need 2 graphics cards btw, is because my second runs on a fixed frequency monitor and I need this for certain things, but want as primary at times and not extended desktop.. then want to be able to switch back to my desktop monitor.

I so hope someone can help. Many many thanks.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> pls help, know how to switch between monitors at click of a button?

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