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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need a Solution for TV out Setup. Please!!!!!!!!!
concentriq   2002-04-18 15:24
I currently have 2 19" CRT monitors, which I use with a Matrox G450 Dual Head 16MB DDR. Im very happy with the setup, however I would like to add a TV Out feature. I have 30 Gigs of movies on my HD, and I would like to watch them on my TV. Here is what I would like to do: without unplugging anything, I want to make a full screen picture on one of the monitors and send the signal to my TV. I dont mind changing the video settings, just dont want to physically unplug any cables. I have looked into ATI's (Raedon 7500/8500), but unfortunately, if you want to have all 3 devices (2 monitors and TV) plugged in, one of the monitors have to be a DVI, which I dont have. Otherwise I'd have to physically unplug the DVI monitor and plug in the TV in order to use it. Have anyone ever done a similar setup? Please share your thoughts, any reply is appreciated.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Need a Solution for TV out Setup. Please!!!!!!!!!

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