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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Choices, choices, choices ... which way to go, folks?
John   2002-04-21 07:48
As I already mentioned: my latop doesn't allow MM-ing - it did with Win98 - anymore under Win2000 and I need the latter for work unfortunately.

So I cleanswept the administrators office at work and gathered the best stuff I could find to get back to a MM-set-up which I really got fond of working with.

Because of the lack of upgradability I decided to leave the laptop and work off a desktop and synchronize them once in a while. I found 3 x Compaq S710's I want to get up and running (close and seamless, see my other topic). So now I need a piece of hardware that:
- get a decent Office desktop up and running on those 3 CRT's (3x1024x768@85 will do).
- be fast enough to work under Win2000 with a lot of database and webdesign apps decently.

Here's the best stuff I found: a Compaq Deskpro EP i810e\P667. A decent PC100 workhorse, plugged a 30GB Seagate Barracuda, CDR etc in and spent some time of ploughing through a pile of DIMM's until I found 128MB PC100 at max (bummer).

Ok, let's get graphical: This Compaq motherboard does NOT have an AGP-slot but instead an onboard Intel 82810. That's one CRT up and running. Now I need a Matrox G450 DH PCI for the two others but have not been able to get that card yet. If I do find it, it will probably override the Intel graphics controller, right? So I need another card for the 3rd monitor, which means I need a second Matrox G450 PCI probably (any other suggestions? Don't bother pointing at the new G200 cards, they're way off of my budget-mark).

The trouble of finding the PCI Matrox made me think ... what if I replace the motherboard altogether with a decent PC133 370-board WITH AGP so I can run the AGP Matrox DH (and a bit faster system ;-)) and then plug in a second PCI video card for he third monitor? Or is this not the way to go with something single-minded as a Compaq?

Nite   2002-04-21 08:16
*eeek* nonono. don't even _think_ of changing a motherboard to a COMPAQ. :)) you *do not* want to do that. Take my word. :)

have worked in a computer store and one client wanted to change a mobo to his deskpro.. *blaah* :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
John   2002-04-29 04:34
LOL .. it wasn't me, nite ;-)

If I get rid of the mobo the Compaq doesn't know it's a Compaq anymore, right? So why should it pose any problems when I replace it with a decent board like an Asus CUSL2?

(I ordered a Matrox G450 PCI-card in Germany and will see how it all ends up with the original mobo when I get it)
Nite   2002-04-29 17:53
Asus' CUSL2 _is_ nice (I have it :)

But, the question is, _HOW_ are you going to fit a CUSL2 into a Compaq? :) If it fits, you have no problems, but Compaq is notorious for making cases that are more than a bit incompatible with standard parts :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Stan   2002-06-10 03:48
You will not get a CUSL-2 into that Compaq case.
John   2002-06-13 03:22
Why not, Stan?
Because of the mounting points or because of too little space?
Ian Kullhem   2002-06-20 06:52
OEM computer cases are notorious for being too small for anything other than the proprietary MBs. So I seriously doubt you'll fit anything in there. It also sounds like an older model, meaning you're even less likely to get it in.

If you can get the other cards working, I'd just use a couple PCI cards (I say IF b/c I've heard of a lotta problems getting other vid cards to work in place of the Compaq on board stuff).

If you have the money and can, I'd recommend picking up some cheap hardware that you can build a non-OEM system out of where you can get mulit-monitor stuff working.

Hope you figger it out though.
Tony   2002-07-04 19:55
As far as I know the onboard video is connected as an AGP card, wich is also the reason for the lacking of an AGP slot. I dunno about the multi monitor comatibility of this specific VGA chip, but just to let you know, if the situation is as I described, adding 1 or more PCI card will NOT override the onboard gaphic adapter.

Good Luck, Tony.

Heli - Boarder
John   2002-07-09 03:10
Thanks for the tips, guys. The Matrox G450 32MB in PCI-version which I had to look for almost worldwide (I finally found one in Germany) is working absolutely great.

It did overrun the on-board controller btw. But thanks to the great tip on this site on how to make an old Voodoo2-card work as a stand-alone 2D card, I got my three monitors working after all!

Perfomance wise this comp is lagging though and I guess you'll agree that not only a new mobo will fix this. I'll stick to this then for the time being. And start working on my boss for an upgrade later on. ;)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Choices, choices, choices ... which way to go, folks?

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