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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Overlay in DualView
Instrumentality   2002-04-23 15:01
I've been bouncing back and forth between Nvidia detonator drivers because the latest ones crash Unreal Tournament for some reason....

ANYWAY... I'm using 27.51 of the detonator drivers, and somehow, this check box came up giving the option to run each output as a seperate device. Bam. I've got DualView.

It works great for the most part, lets me do 1152x864 res on my main monitor, and 800x600 on the TV out on my card. The only problem is that in the video mirror controls, the options are dimmed for selecting which monitor to send the overlay to.

The only good thing about the "twinview" feature on my card was that if I opened up windows media player and played a movie, it would play windowed on the monitor, and automatically go fullscreen on the TV. Only reason I didn't keep that setup is it restricted the res on my main monitor, so I stopped doing it a while back.

Now that it properly seperates my resolutions, it only auto-detects the display to send the overlay to, so if I open media player windowed on the TV, it will put the fullscreen on my monitor.... backwards of what I want.

Is there a way to either un-dim these options, or a registry entry to be made to lock the overlay to the TV-out? I really have no desire to have any of my desktop on the TV (and it is giving me issues with running unreal tournament full-screen cause of the funky size), I just want the overlay to go there, and it would be nice if it would mirror games like unreal too, but that might be asking a bit much.

If some wise, sagely type who knows how to help me here could post a reply and send a copy to my email listed above (removing the NOSPAM inserts, obviously) I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Overlay in DualView

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