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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Maximizing to ONLY 1 monitor
serge   2013-09-21 13:30
Could you please help me with the right presets to make maximizing affect only the monitor where the window in focus is at the moment. I mean - so that the window does not get stretched to the 2 monitors after having been maximized.
Thanks for cool app and support!
Christian Studer   2013-09-21 15:40
Are you using span mode, where the operating system sees both monitors as a single wide monitor? That would cause the issue you're seeing, switching to regular extended desktop mode should fix the problem.

Christian Studer -
serge   2013-09-21 16:16
em...I'm using XP and was always thinking of myself as of an "more or less advanced user")

so we just check the "Extend my desktop onto this" for the 2nd monitor, and this way we enable it in Windows, to drag windows onto it, if we wish. Am I wrong?..
Christian Studer   2013-09-22 14:46
That is correct. Is that how you have it set up currently, with two monitors shown as enabled under Display Properties?

Christian Studer -
serge   2013-09-23 05:36
Absolutely. Otherwise my 2nd monitor would be just black)
serge   2013-09-23 09:09
I see...we're speaking of video card setup not Windows setup...
serge   2013-09-23 09:15
So, I have the mode called "dualview" where the screens are independent
Christian Studer   2013-09-23 14:18
Dualview is what Nvidia calls the regular extended desktop mode, unfortunately I don't know why you would have this problem in that case.

Does this happen with all applications, for example also Internet Explorer or Word?

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Maximizing to ONLY 1 monitor

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