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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse restriction
Matthias   2013-10-19 11:34

I have a 2 Monitor Setup (1920x1200 16:10), and for audio I am using a AV-Receiver connected via HDMI-cabel\DVI-Signal to a 3# Output.
Since it is imposile to send an Audio Signal without a Video, i am stuck with 3 different Displays.
To my question: I would like to restrict the mouse to the 2 main Monitors. I already aranged the 3# display to a Corner/Corner setup, but the mouse slips ever so often to the wrong display and so does all the Icons...

Christian Studer   2013-10-19 15:00
UltraMon has some support for restricting mouse movement, but this isn't 100% reliable, for example if a command prompt is the active window mouse movement isn't restricted.

To set this up, go to UltraMon Options > Ignored Monitors, ignore monitor 3, then check 'ignore enabled monitors'.

UltraMon can't prevent icons from getting moved to the third monitor.

Christian Studer -
Matthias   2013-10-19 15:33
ignoring the 3#Display also disables the Audio Signal.
However I know that it is possible to achieve via software (mirroring a Screen does restrict the mouse)... so you could possible consider an new Feature in the next update??

Christian Studer   2013-10-19 16:12
You'll need to check the option 'ignore enabled monitors', otherwise UltraMon will disable the monitor.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> mouse restriction

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