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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP with one PCI (2 monitors) works great! 2nd PCI (3rd monitor) wont boot. Keeps crashing system.
Joseph   2002-05-01 05:09
My AGP card is a GeForce2 mx 400, I just installed 2 GeForce2 mx 200 PCI cards and my system (W2k pro) can't reboot. It keeps crashing. I have tried to change pci slots, change IRQ settings, re-install the drivers but no luck. I now have it running with just one of the PCI cards and 2 monitors perfectly. Any suggestions to get my 3rd monitor to work.
My AGP card has TV out, could that be the solution to connecting the 3rd monitor?

Appreciate any suggestions.
Jason   2002-05-01 15:40
I'm having the same problem. I've been running 2 monitors for better than a year now. Primary card is an Asus AGP-V3400 TNT. Secondary is/was a Diamond Stealth 3D 2000 PCI. So I bought a third monitor and two ATI Radeon 7000's (one to replace the old Diamond card). I can get 2 monitors working as long as I use the AGP card and any one of the three PCI cards. But add a second PCI card and my system hangs just after the POST (power on self-test) and just as windows starts. Thinking it might have been an out of date BIOS I updated it (mother board is an ABIT KT7-Raid). But that didn't change anything. Thinking then, that it might be Win98SE and not the BIOS, I tried 2 PCI cards and the AGP booting to a dos boot disk, and the system successfully boots without hanging. So I think the problem is windows. I've seen from other posts on this site that other people have had similar problems when adding a second PCI card. Anybody got any suggestions? I've tried many different PCI slots, avoiding slot 1 as it's IRQ is shared with the AGP, and avoiding slot 5 because it's IRQ is shared with the RAID controller.

P.S. Using 2 PCI cards and no AGP hangs the system too.


Joseph   2002-05-04 04:48
No more luck here either. I have tried everything!
I'm going to post another Message and try and get more help.Let me know if you have any success.

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> AGP with one PCI (2 monitors) works great! 2nd PCI (3rd monitor) wont boot. Keeps crashing system.

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