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Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Fatal Exception errors on Windows 98/Me
Christian Studer   2002-05-02 01:34
It looks like the new beta has problems on some Windows 98/Me systems, my guess is it depends on what types of device drivers are installed. On my laptop I had the same problems, but no problems at all on my desktop system.

I'll work on this issue for the next release, but can't guarantee that it will be resolved. The problem seems to be that Win9x stability decreases when 'hooks' are installed, and since Beta 6 UltraMon relies heavily on hooks for major parts of its functionality. See Microsoft Support for more on this issue.

Christian Studer -
Matt Guyton   2002-05-02 03:00
I can verify this problem on my Win98SE (ATI Xpert128, S3-Virge DX/GX) system.

I got the following 2 errors on startup of UltraMon b7:

Error box pops up: MMTASK caused a segment not present fault in module KRNL386.exe at 0001:00000c2b.

BSOD: Fatal Exception 0E 018F:Bff90FFF

My computer locks after receiving either one.
Christian Studer   2002-05-02 11:11
Are there any Windows 98/Me users who have successfully installed Beta 7?

If yes, please post your system configuration.

I've been able to successfully install it on a dual P2-400 with BX chipset, AGP Nvidia GeForce3 and 2x PCI GeForce2 MX.

I'm evaluating if it would be better to disable Win9x support in Beta 7 due to the severe problems it can cause.

Christian Studer -
Gary   2002-05-02 16:10
I hate to be a negative, but I also encounter multiple BSDs just after installing (when UltraMon tries to execute) and the computer locks. I had no choice but to return to my previous image using Beta 6. I sure hope this gets worked out, I LOVE this program and am looking forward to the new features.

Christian Studer   2002-05-03 07:16
I have now removed support for Win9x systems from Beta 7. Beta 6 is available for Win9x users, optionally you can install an unlocked version of Beta 7, but at your own risk.

Please accept my apologies for these problems. I hope to have them fixed in the next release.

Christian Studer -
Greg Lee   2002-05-06 10:03
Wow - no support for Win98? - that isn't good. What features does v7 have over v6? (I looked at ultramon sometime back and found it seemed to have potential but was a bit 'cumbersome')

When I reviewed the info on v7 - I was very impressed.

Christian Studer   2002-05-06 11:15
Major new features in Beta 7 for Win9x:

- completely redesigned shortcuts feature
- display profiles
- redesigned screen saver feature

See the release notes for details.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> UltraMon™ -> Fatal Exception errors on Windows 98/Me

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