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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> boot sequence on dual-card - plz help
catsailor   2002-05-07 02:57
Hi, system specs first ;) :

Gainward 4400
1 VGA + 1 DVI output (converted to VGA via adapter)

1 older 19" Iiyama CRT monitor
1 new 22" Iiyama CRT

now the problem:

- on boot the system seems to give preference to the DVI output which I hooked up with the 19"

- i.e.: even though I have configured the 22" monitor in n-view to be my primary display, the system will boot the 19" first and only after the windows desktop appears switch to the 22", while turning off the 19", even if I have disabled

- what I would like to happen is the 22" booting as a single display without the 19" at all, and then to enable and disable n-view at will

- now this works when I switch the outputs for the monitors, the problem is that the 22" seems to work better being connected to the VGA output, especially at 1280x1024

- is there any way to give the VGA output preference to the DVI on boot?

any help appreciated

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> boot sequence on dual-card - plz help

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