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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor - GF4 MX440
Darryl   2002-05-11 11:03

I currently use a GF4 MX420 which does not have a dual VGA spot on the card. Well, im selling this card, for 75$ + s/h so i can purchase a MX440 which has twin VGA. I was reading and got scared, does anyone know about how stable nView is with this card? and WinXP?

Please help soon, im planning on ordering the new vid card monday.

I do play games such as Quake3 and One Must Fall:Battle Grounds (beta) (

Lanlan   2002-05-11 16:04

I purchased an MX440 a while back and running the latest Nvidia drivers on XP. No problems!
darrylb   2002-05-12 02:14
Great ill order tomorrow
nat   2002-05-15 08:19
No Problems! for me too :)
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dual Monitor - GF4 MX440

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