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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 monitor with different Pdf documents open
Bruno   2002-05-15 00:42
I would to know if anobody knows a way to have 6 monitors connected to one PC that can generate a different pdf document on each monitor.


Bruno Therrien
Network admin
Thevco Electronics
Christian Studer   2002-05-15 01:17
Depends on the viewer you want to use. It's not possible with Acrobat Reader because it opens each document in the same window, but it would be possible to do this with Internet Explorer (using the Acrobat plug-in).

You could use UltraMon's shortcuts feature to position each window on a different monitor.

You could set up a 6-monitor system with only two video cards (1x quad and 1x dual), see the Products section for a list of manufacturers of multi-monitor video cards.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 6 monitor with different Pdf documents open

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