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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 4 MX440 64meg and Anarchy Online prob
Mr. Maigo   2002-05-22 14:37
AMD Athlon 750mhz
384meg ram
WinXP Pro

I have a dual monitor system via an Xtasy: Geforce 4 MX 440 64meg (agp)(dualhead card). upgreaded from a Voodoo 4 32meg (agp) and a Voodoo 3 (pci). All drivers are upto date.

Anarchy Online worked fine then.

the problem is i cant play windowed because the game wont display, and i am loged on.
in full screan, if i alt-tab out cant play cause the mouse will be stuck on the other monitor and windows the game if i try to click. also it displays on the secondary monitor (no other games do that. other wise it works fine.

so far i've reinstalled AO and the vid drivers. i've tried all the setings, both AO and for the card.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> GeForce 4 MX440 64meg and Anarchy Online prob

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