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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbars? One on each monitor?
Whyrph   2002-05-23 09:17
I was wondering whether or not, in Windows XP, when you have multiple monitors working, does each have it's own taskbar?

It would be very inefficient if I had to go to the other monitor than the one I'm on to switch to a window on the first monitor, and it'd be easier to keep track of windows if there were two seperate taskbars. I've heard that that's how it works by default, but not from the most reliable of sources.
Christian Studer   2002-05-23 10:57
UltraMon can do this, see Smart Taskbar.

Christian Studer -
Whyrph   2002-05-23 11:49
Okay . . . well, then, I'll favorite this page and get Ultramon when I add a second monitor .. . I'll NEED IT TO LIVE.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Taskbars? One on each monitor?

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