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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Little Jitter On Primary
Twilek   2000-08-19 07:12
I have a problem with my two monitors standing close together. When I first tried to run both monitors simultanously they both showed "running lines" (I don´t know how to put it, it looks like some kind of raster is moved over the screen). I than tried to fiddle with the Monitor Settings (Sync and Offset etc). I managed to eliminate most of the effect but some still shows on my primary monitor. Is there a way to get rid of this (perhaps insulating them somehow that they do not interfere)...

MOhammad Sohail MInhaj   2010-03-06 07:46
I am using UltraMoon in SONY VIVO with NVIDIA 500 MB card and connect an LCD through its extended VGA to see a running script or text on another LCD monitor. But the moving TExt is fillkerig on LCD. Can u help me in this matter.

Mohammad Sohail MInhaj
ecarlson   2010-03-06 12:10
Twilek: Sounds like you are using old-fashioned CRT monitors, which can interfere with each other.

What refresh rates do you have each one running at (LCD's use 60.hz, but CRT's should use something higher than)?

There have been various fixes discussed here in the past (a long time ago, since many people have already switched to LCD's, which don't interfere with each other). Some solutions include adjusting refresh rates, separating the monitors, adding a metal shield (possibly grounded) between monitors, and more. Of course, replacing the CRT's with LCD's would work too.

- Eric
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Little Jitter On Primary

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