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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> resolution changing on 2nd display
kevh   2002-05-24 04:25
hmmm. when starting some fullscreen apps (q3) in fullscreen, the resolution on the 2nd display is lowered causing windows to increase in size and become offset. Color of the windows on the 2nd display also goes kinda screwy (washed out looking). The 2nd display is at a lower resolution (flat panel-1024X768-max) than the primary (1600X1200). Q3 runs at 1156(I think)X something. Is there a fix anyone knows of??

display #1-Sony HMD 19" display
display #2-Microtek 15" flat panel (C593)
Leadtek Winfast Geforce4 4400
newest Detonator Xp video drivers
Windows XP
Mike Thomas   2002-05-24 15:01
I'm having this problem as well. Has anyone found a solution? It's quite annoying.

-Mike Thomas
widefault   2002-05-25 03:15
Simple fix: Move your primary monitor to the right hand side.

Not so simple: Run the game at whatever resolution the desktop on the primary runs in.


Run the game windowed.


Use UltraMon to resize the primary display to whatever resolution you run the game when you start up the game.
kevh   2002-05-25 04:47
thanx for the fix. i have found that if i can get the cursor out of quake (can usually move to the second monitor if i bring down the console) and bring up display properties->settings->advanced->color correction, it fixes it. dont even need to change anything, just bring up that tab. wierd but i guess that is a workaround too. looks like i need to switch my monitors.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> resolution changing on 2nd display

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