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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WindosXP will not detect my monitors correctly in Dual-Mon setup
Lim Park   2002-05-24 05:54
I have Viewsonic GS790 and Sony Multiscan 15sfII on Geforce 4 Ti/4400.

If I just attach one monitor, windows XP will detect and install the drivers I downloaded for the monitors correctly. However If I attach both of the monitors together to do dual monitor setup, windows xp will not detect the monitors. It will say no better drivers are found, and it will stay as "Default" or "Plug and Play" monitors. Are everyone else having this problem? Is this problem with WindowsXP or Geforce driver?

Also, I have my main monitor, viewsonic, connected to the regular VGA out port, and the sony one connected to the DVI out port using DVI to VGA connector. When I first boot the computer, the bios and the windows startup page shows up on the second monitor, sony, and then when windows fully starts, the main monitor will change to my viewsonic. If I change the ports, the bios and all will show up on my main monitor, but then after windows starts the smaller sony will be the main monitor. Is this normal??

Thank you!!
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> WindosXP will not detect my monitors correctly in Dual-Mon setup

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