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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors, pci > agp , problems with ultramon.
E30   2002-05-27 14:42
Im on a win2k system trying to update my dual monitors setup.
my first setup worked great. i had my gf2MX200(32mb AGP)as the primary and an old S3 pci as my secondary. i had troubles until i set the bios to initiate the pci first. things were good. ultramon worked great.

now my friend gave me an old gf2mx400(64mb pci), still an MX but better than my 32mb and it was free. Now I would like to use this card as my primary, take out the S3, and use my agp MX as secondary. After updating drivers successfully i go to switch my new pci to primary in the display settings, and have my desktop extended to my secondary, which is now the agp. everything works well, untill i turn on ultramon. when i turn it on, it flips my desktops so my 2nd monitor (which is to the right of my 1st) is acting as my primary. Theyre flipped. I have to move the cursor to the right to have it come out on my main monitor, which is actually to the left physically.

After looking in my display settings again, my pci card is still #2. meaning, even when things are fine (when ultramon is off) in the settings screen where you pick resolutions it has the pictures of the 2 monitors with their identities. Is this part of the problem?
Is there a way i can have my pci card be indentified as #1? sorry if it sounds confusing.

Here's a recap which will probably just add to the confusion:
physical setup: [monitor 1 pci] [monitor2 agp]

here are how the identites are shown in win2k's display properties
Past setup: 1(32mb) 2(S3) with or without ultramon

new setup: 2(64mb pci primary) 1(32mb agp secondary) w/o ultramon
1(32mb primary) 2(64mb secondary) when ultramon is turned on

I've even tried removing the agp card, booted up and things looked good, shut down, and slid the agp card back in. after booting up, the pci card was still #2, no change.

any ideas are appreciated, thanks.
Christian Studer   2002-05-28 00:44
When you say without UltraMon, do you mean with UltraMon not installed or not running?

Christian Studer -
E30   2002-05-28 08:47
not running.
E30   2002-05-28 08:53
oh yea, i also have my pci card in the 4th slot if that makes any difference.
Christian Studer   2002-05-28 11:11
If you close UltraMon and then check Windows Display Properties, which configuration does it show? Do you have to reboot to get the other configuration?

Do you have a display profile that gets executed at startup, or a shortcut that changes display settings?

Christian Studer -
E30   2002-05-28 13:29
thanks for the replies. no i dont have to reboot to get things decent. After i start ultramon, it will flip my settings so

1(agp) is now primary, and 2(pci) is secondary, but my monitors are setup 2 1, so its sort of backwards. i dont have to reboot, but i have to reselect #2 as primary, and then uncheck extend desktop on #1, then recheck it, so my setup will be back to 2 1 (extending left to right). i have no startup shortcuts or anything else that will change my display settings, just when ultramon is started it changes things.

if i uninstall and reinstall ultramon, would it maybe fix it? or would it still cause problems because the monitor i want primary is still identified as #2 in win2k? anyway to flip the identites? thanks
Christian Studer   2002-05-29 02:15
One other thing you could check: do you have configured UltraMon to ignore a monitor? Go to Options > Ignored Monitors to check this.

Also check that the shortcut you use to start UltraMon doesn't have any command-line arguments (the /p command-line argument changes the primary monitor).

Apart from this, I'm afraid I have no idea what would cause this. UltraMon doesn't change display settings during startup, and simply loading UltraMon shouldn't have any effect on current display settings.

Christian Studer -
E30   2002-05-29 13:13
thanks for all the help. i got it working correctly. i just reinstalled ultramon. and it seems fine.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> dual monitors, pci > agp , problems with ultramon.

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