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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dungeon Siege in MM? Can anyone confirm?
Nite   2002-05-29 01:57

Dungeon Siege accepts width & height starting parameters to define the window size, BUT... does it support widescreen resolutions? like 1600x600 or 2048x768?

Please, if anyone has this game and a setup that can handle multi-screen directx, please tell me that it is so! :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Nite   2002-05-29 03:53
It works!! at least if fullscreen mode is disabled (aka. windowed mode). If it works fullscreen... please let me know.

So guess what happens when the Parhelia-cards are released to the market... 3072x768 Dungeon Siege, anyone? :))

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Ghent   2002-05-29 06:27
Hi Nite,

I have this game and 2x19" on a GeForce 4... Can u tell me how to setup Dungeon Siege for window mode and how to change the resolution for multimonitoring?

Nite   2002-05-29 08:13
okay, locate the shortcut to the game, right-click on it and select properties on the "Target" line it says something like "C:\Program Files\Dungeon Siege\DungeonSiege.exe". ADD a space and the following after the quotes.

fullscreen=false width=XXXX height=YYYY

where XXXX and YYYY are the resolution you want.
Please, try running that with

width=2048 height=768

(yes, without the fullscreen=false)

it *should* work fullscreen on both monitors.

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Ghent   2002-05-30 05:52
Hi Nite,

thx for ur help. Yes Dungeon Siege runs on both monitors! A resolution of 2000x700 worked for me. On higher resolutions (1024x768) it tells me something about to big and place for a bar.

If I run Dungeon Siege on that high resolution it is fucking slow (max 7FPS). It seems that the matter is the missing DirectX on the 2nd monitor. Is there any other tip to speed up the graphic?

Nite   2002-05-30 07:39
is it slow with both the "fullscreen=false" option and without it?

is it slow if you run it on a smaller window (say, 800x600) and move it completely to the other monitor?

What OS are you running? (If Win2k, try to locate the "treat all nView cabable display adapters as single screen" option in display properties and turn it on)

sorry that I can't help much, just guessing here. don't have a setup which could handle that...

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Ghent   2002-05-31 03:45
Hi Nite,

it is also f*cking slow, if I use 800x600 and move the window on my 2nd Monitor (also only 7FPS). The game seems quite slow at all for me. I bought a GeForce Ti4400 and run a dual 800Mhz Pentium III under Windows XP and the Dungeon Siege benchmark says I only get 20FPS in fullscreen. But at least it is playable with that performance... Do u have a tip how to speed up?

Nite   2002-06-02 05:35
Strange, seems like your card doesn't support DIrectX hardware acceleration on the second screen... have you tried different drivers?

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Ghent   2002-06-03 03:38
Hi Nite,

I tested all newer drivers and the dxdiag tool tells me, that DirectX on both are available. Also the tests run smoothly...

Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dungeon Siege in MM? Can anyone confirm?

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