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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I got DVDs to play on 2nd monitor in WMP 8
jaylittle   2002-05-30 15:14
I finally figured out how to do it through Windows Media Player. Instead of installing a real DVD player - simply buy Microsoft's DVD Player addon for Windows XP and it will allow you to play DVDs on the second monitor. It will also do it fullscreen - but when I click something in the first monitor it reverts back to a window.

Note: The DVD addon doesnt appear to work if you have another DVD player installed.

My system config is:

Primary: AGP Geforce 3 (original)
Secondary: ATI Radeon PCI (original)
P4/1.7 ghz/640 MB RDRAM
Windows XP PRO with Microsoft PowerDVD player addon for Media Player 8.


P.S. Email me responses back at since I probably wont check the forum again.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> I got DVDs to play on 2nd monitor in WMP 8

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