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Forums -> VideoSaver -> VideoSaver Wishlist
Senmar   2002-06-06 03:39
I'm a long time lover of VideoSaver and have always wanted to ask for one feature. I just never really remembered when I was visiting the site looking at the forums and what not. So here goes my one wish:

The ability to play streaming real media or windows media files as the screen saver.

Could you imagine this as your screen saver: just the video part? Especially stretched across multiple monitors or what not?

That would be the shizznittlenit of screensavers!! Plus don't forget about the possibilities when you start introducing the pron industry....
Christian Studer   2002-06-06 04:29
Thanks for your suggestion.

Streaming media support is already planned, it will certainly be in the next major release, maybe earlier.

Real video most likely won't be supported though.

Christian Studer -
cybergamer   2002-06-07 01:09
I vote for native quicktime support!
Christian Studer   2002-06-07 02:44
Native QuickTime support would be great, it's under consideration for the next major release.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> VideoSaver -> VideoSaver Wishlist

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