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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 part picture across three monitors attached to two pc's....?
Alisdair   2014-02-24 15:36
Hi all
I have acquired two more identical monitors to my crappy 19" Dell

I cannot output to three monitors at once but consistently use a laptop and desktop at the same of the monitors is connected to the lappy.

the other two are on the pc.

I use multiplicity across both pc' mouse and keyboard across lan

As the monitors are identical I'd like a single background image spread across all three which means going across lan. (I cannot activate the mobo graphics to work alongside the gpu pcie card)

(How) can this be done??

I want the image of Bobby Feet's helmet across three monitors across lan.....Help me Obi Wan

um....just chuckle and pretend I said something witty...k?
Christian Studer   2014-02-24 16:37
You should be able to set this up manually by splitting the picture in two, use one third of the picture on the laptop, and the other two thirds as the background on the desktop.

Christian Studer -
Alisdair   2014-02-25 03:09
Thanks for that. I has a quick go at it this morning. I don't seem to find software to accurately chop up the background images accurately.

Any other suggestions would be rather good.
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 part picture across three monitors attached to two pc's....?

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