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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> minimizing from any screen 'swoops' to the home screen
Carolyn   2014-02-27 10:13
I am currently using 4 monitors, the far left is my home monitor. Someone else was recently using my computer & now anytime I minimize a window it 'swoops' across to my home monitor rather than staying on the monitor of where the program is open.

Any ideas on how to change that setting so the screens minimize to the same monitor they are open on?

thanks, Carolyn
Christian Studer   2014-02-27 14:35
Does the taskbar button for the application get moved to the main taskbar as well?

Christian Studer -
Carolyn   2014-02-27 17:19
No, the taskbar spans all 4 monitors & the icon for the open programs stay with the monitor it's opened on. It just seems as if the minimized screens go to home.

thanks, Carolyn
Christian Studer   2014-02-28 12:36
Which version of Windows are you using? I always had this behavior on Windows 7, the minimize animation always goes to the main taskbar, not sure why you wouldn't have had the same behavior on your system.

Christian Studer -
Carolyn   2014-02-28 16:33
Not sure what was causing it but I completely restarted my computer & it isn't doing it any longer. I appreciate those who commented.

thanks, Carolyn
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> minimizing from any screen 'swoops' to the home screen

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