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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dualview - switch primary when moving laptop
Martin Jonsson   2002-06-13 18:37
I'm using dualview with my 19" monitor (1280x1024, 85Hz) as primary screen and my laptop display (1400x1050, 60Hz) as secondary.

Is there any way to switch all relevant display settings when you want to bring your laptop with you? Right now when I switch primary screen to the laptop it changes resolution and frequency to that of the 19" (1280x1024).

I would like to be able to switch between two modes:

[mode 1]
Primary: 19" monitor, 1280x1024, 85Hz
Secondary: laptop, 1400x1050

[mode 2]
Primary: laptop, 1400x1050
Secondary: none

Is there ways to accomplish this?
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Dualview - switch primary when moving laptop

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