Clint 2014-04-15 03:46
I am using intel cpu graphic with matrox ,and i cant get it to change primary display to be the one matrox is connected. Is there any way around this?
Clint 2014-04-15 03:48
i forgot to mention that i am using windows xp.
Christian Studer 2014-04-15 13:20
Did you already try changing the primary monitor via Control Panel > Display?
Christian Studer -
Clint 2014-04-15 22:52
I did. When i select the option for matrox to be "use this device as the primary monitor" it flickers for a second and then changes back for intel hd (igfx) to be primary again.
Christian Studer 2014-04-16 14:34
One thing you could try: enter BIOS setup when starting the computer, then check if there is an option to use the add-on video card as primary instead of the onboard card.
Christian Studer -
Clint 2014-04-17 05:32
I changed "innit display first option" in the BIOS and that solved the problem. Thank you.