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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> moving mouse from a fullscreen game
cnwinger   2014-04-24 10:41

i'm, using Ultramon for 2 monitors (extended), and I am playing Dark Souls 2 (PC) on my primary monitor, while having Firefox on my secondary monitor.

when I play Dark Souls 2 in fullscreen, I am unable to move the mouse to the other screen. The only option I have is to alt+tab out of the game.

surely there is a way to set it up so I can game in fullscreen and still use the mouse on the 2nd monitor? I don't even use the mouse in the game - only a 360 disabling the mouse altogether on the primary monitor might be an option.

anyone have any ideas that might help?

Christian Studer   2014-04-24 14:16
UltraMon can't help with this, I also don't know if there is another solution (other than running the game windowed).

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> moving mouse from a fullscreen game

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