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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon with 34UM 95 - Can It Operate Like Two Monitors
JP   2014-05-13 11:13
I am trying to decide whether to get the 34UM95 or stick with a couple of 24" monitors. If I go with the 34UM95, is there anyway to make windows 7 think I am using two monitors, such that I can take advantage of all of Ultramon's features (like flicking a program from one screen to another)? Basically, I want Windows to see the 34UM95 as two separate monitors so I have a bezel-less setup.

Christian Studer   2014-05-13 12:14
UltraMon doesn't support this, I'm also not aware of another way to do this.

If you mainly use the window management features of UltraMon, take a look at SplitView.

Christian Studer -
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> Ultramon with 34UM 95 - Can It Operate Like Two Monitors

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