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Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 cards, but only 2 monitors showing in XP
James Shaw   2002-06-18 02:07
I have used 2 cards and monitors without any problems in 2000 and XP, but just added a 3rd pair. I now have 1 "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX/MX 400" (AGP) and 2 "NVIDIA GeForce2 MX 100/200" (PCI).

When I go into Display properties there are only 2 monitors showing, not 3.

In Device Manager all 3 cards are installed and working without conflicts, but again there are only 2 "Plug and Play Monitors" shown, not 3.

Any ideas on how to proceed? I've run the Add Hardware wizard but it finds nothing new. I found that you can't add a monitor manually, only graphics cards - no monitor manfacturers are listed nor any generic monitor. It seems that Windows creates those automatically based on your graphics cards.

Any suggestions? Thanks!!

James Shaw
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Nite   2002-06-18 02:47
Exact same problem. GF2Ultra (AGP) + 2x Matrox Millennium II (PCI) cards.

please share if you figure out any answers :)

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
gameboss   2002-06-18 06:00
I've run into the same issues on other cards. I think it's pretty common to add two PCI cards which are the same and not have one show up in display properties. I had the same problem istalling 3 Nvidia Vanta PCI cards.

Unfortunatly, I don't have an exact recollection on what fixed it but try this..

In device manager uninstall the 3rd card you just put in. Reboot and go into safe mode and make sure that you don't have any ghost drivers lurking about. Now shutdown and remove your 3rd PCI card. Boot your computer. Shutdown and put in your 3rd card again.

It's just a matter of the OS recongnizing that there is a new PCI video card there. The OS can be finicky in this respect.

As a last resort you could uninstall both PCI cards, remove them, boot the system, shutdown and then install them ONE at a time.

Don't put both in at once. Put one in, install, reboot.
Nite   2002-06-18 06:31
just guess how many times I have done that :)
but, I'll do a complete re-install of the system. hopefully that'll fix it.

\Nite - "can't rain all the time"
Multi-Monitor Gaming Web
Forums -> Multiple monitors -> 3 cards, but only 2 monitors showing in XP

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